Polyphonic muter/solo with dynamic ch adjusting

Hi there !

Does anyone know of a module that can mute or solo channels of a polyphonic stream whilst dynamically adjusting the channel count ?

Basically a mix of Sickozell polymute8+ and the computer scare toly pools ability to shrink polyphony and discard non used or 0v channels.

Ideally this would be done dynamically as one solos and mutes channels

Interesting concept. I haven’t run across anything like that. Venom does not have a dedicated poly mute, so I might create one with the option to compress the active channels into a contiguous range and drop the unused channels. But having signals change channels as other channels are muted might get confusing downstream. I have to think about the extended use cases.

It might be helpful if you describe your full context - how you plan on using it.

I imagine both button and CV channel mute controls would be useful.

If I create this, I would probably make the channel compression optional.

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Hey Dave glad you think this is interesting.

My current particular use case would be to feed “future poly mute module” say 8 Ch of static voltages and audition 2, 3, 4 note chords feeding an osc.

What would be tremendously useful for me as well would be to also include a rule that ignores certain voltages, like a threshold of sorts. Again my particular use case would be for a bank of static voltages that have different presets and I would like to discard from the polyphonic stream those Hz below 20hz (for example).

Hope this makes sense.

Just wanted to let everyone know that Sickozell has updated the modules and they now have a shrink channels contextual menu option to do just what I needed em to do. How awesome is that ? Thank you Fabio.