PolyAux modules alpha testing

Hi devs,

I’ve put together a plugin that I’d like other folks to try. PolyAux provides a mechanism to build send/return effects loops that use up to 8 stereo tracks rather than mixing everything down to stereo, so it’s handy for quad or surround sound. I kept wanting something that could sit between MixMasterJr and stoermelder’s ARENA, and the existing polyphonic utilities weren’t quite getting me all the features I wanted.

It looks like this:

Can be downloaded from here (if I did this part right): https://github.com/landgrvi/VGLabs-PolyAux/releases/tag/v2.0.0-alpha

And here’s the readme: https://github.com/landgrvi/VGLabs-PolyAux/blob/v2/README.md

I’d love to know if these modules work on your platform (I’m on linux), if you find bugs, if they’re useful to you, etc etc etc. I can think of many possible improvements (CV input! More themes!) but it seems like time to put them out in the world. Thanks for the help!