[POLL] which improvements would you like to see most in vcv?

Show / Hide Cable Shortcut & Shortcut to change transparency.
Command C = toggles cables — Command [ = increase opacity — Command ] = decrease opacity

  • I know that stoermelder created a module to do this as well and am very thankful but really think this should be a built in feature.

Someone has already mentioned it in a previous topic but thought I’d reiterate here as I think it would be a very easy but life changing addition to VCV rack.

As a patch gets complicated the overlay even at a reduced opacity can be extremely distracting and for me at least impairs my ability to read / comprehend module interfaces.

both MaxMasp & Reaktor have this ability and it makes for a nice clean interface when your patch is all locked in an you just want to play / perform.



Those shortcuts are already in use (I think – I’m not on a Mac, so there isn’t a “Command” key).

If it’s just for performance, easy enough to use the menu to reduce cable opacity to 0 before the set - no compelling need for a keystroke for that purpose, but yeah, a quick on/off key would be handy.

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Upvote multitouch, even two or three inputs would change so much about performing, playing and using vcv. I certainly am inspired to think about possibilities…

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I too would love touch support.

FWIW, adding touch support has technical challenges: input events are handled by external dependencies (GLFW), and not Rack itself.

GLFW has taken a policy stance to not take any changes unless the feature work for all platforms (including Mac). So, until Apple adds touch to MacOS and Macs, GLFW isn’t interested in supporting touch. Never mind that you can use tablets such as WACOM tablets that support multitouch and work on Macs.

Rack would have to use a fork of GLFW that contains that touch support. There is a PR (patch) that adds that support to GLFW for Windows.

I don’t know if anything has changed since I researched this a year ago. I understand a reluctance to maintain forks of your dependencies - that can get expensive.

I’m not expecting much to change in the short term, but feel free to surprise me!


better browser library with personal categories (not only favorite) possibility to rename the cables (useful in live “patching performance”)


I have successfully created Venom Widget Menu Extender that allows users to rename parameters and ports, and set custom defaults for parameters.


Slightly more frequent library updates would be nice. I know ultimately this is just me being impatient :stuck_out_tongue: but when you hear a dev has already submitted an interesting module/fix to the library, and then it takes over two weeks to arrive (maybe sometimes even significantly more?), it kind of makes me wish updates were at least a weekly affair. Perfectly understandable if this isn’t practically feasible; anyway, the thread asks which improvements I’d “like to see most”, and that’s one of the main such things anyway :slight_smile:


I think the API should include an easy way to do this:


It’s not complicated to define something like this in the code (see below) but it’s a pain to add a menu item for it.

if (inputs[ANY_INPUT].isConnected()==false) {newVoltage=normalizedVoltage;}
else {newVoltage=inputs[ANY_INPUT].getVoltage();}

Adding menu items isn’t particularly painful. It’s mostly boilerplate. Of course, if you provide user control over the normalled value, then you also need to provide persistence for that custom value, or saved patches don’t work the same when reloaded.

It would be pretty complicated to provide an API for this - there would be a lot of cases to cover if it were to be generally useful. Inputs don’t have something like paramQuantity to hang such functionality from, so it would need to be added. It would need to be opt-in, and cover cases where you want a number of inputs normalled to either the option value or cascaded from another input. It’s probably better left to each module to define the logic that makes sense for that module.

M1/Arm, which includes something else… A NanoVCV Rack for the DS…GBA???

3DS family has the Korg semi-modular, Nanoloop, LSDJ, C64 emul with various trackers, UAE Amiga emul, with even more stuff than the C64… far superior hw than DS or GBA, but no updatable cartridges… which Nanoloop and Oliver Witchoff creates and sells to thousands of Chiptune enthusiasts…

Maybe a low resources ARM version could be done for the DS??

Android and tablets also run on ARM, but Nintendo DS has the cartridge market, which could be a nice boost to the project in terms of sales…

Anyway, happy new Dragon year!!

That’s a 133mhz 32bit ARM9 at best and no GPU.

Do you even know what you are asking? :thinking:

This one is a small/simple one, but would make life easier:

A keyboard short cut for turning favorites on/off, when in the module browser. For example on Mac it could be option+f, which doesn’t seem to collide with anything in the module browser.

That would make the module browser a bit easier to use.

And in general an update of the module browser. Liked the old one more, I think it was easier to find what you need fast.


I agree that the module browser can get too cluttered. I’d love to see some way to organize it, other than marking some of the modules as favorites.

For example, an ability to create my own category tree (similar to folders for files), or my own tags (in addition to Favorite, being the first, and default, tag), different from categories in the sense that each module can have more than one tag?


I have successfully created Venom Widget Menu Extender that allows users to rename parameters and ports, and set custom defaults for parameters.

Fantastic, sir - I’ll definitely give that a try! :medal_sports:

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I would love to hear how well it works for you!

I wrote you goys today with some Wishes and Recommendations. But I’ll repeat here: What about an advanced WT Oscilator as Premium Module with a few Algorythms (Bend,…), a Wavetable Editor and a larger UI? Could be a Bestseller…And: You should take the WT Oscilatorm remove all the Wavetable Synthesis Code and leave it as a very simple Sample player. It’s perfect! Just drag a Drumsound into it and ready to go! Even better than Surge XT where you have to load the files first. Anh this makes Sense because there are many organic Drumsounds like Percussions (Bongos, Congas,…) that don’t really sound good in Synthesis as you might know. AND: Having a pure sample based Module in the fundamentals Collection could increase the Playground of Exploration… for example, getting into granular Synthesis. Think abou it. Greetings Daniel PS: Could you maybe upload the dark Mode Skins for Parametra and the Pulse Matrix? If still not ready just send me the UI and I’ll do it. It’s a task of Minutes and I like my Modules in Black.

Well, there’s already Morphing Terrarium from the Synthesis Technology commercial collection, which is pretty good. Also a few very good free ones. A fully featured sampler with polyphony, loop point manipulation, envelopes etc and input recording would be a premium module I would definitely pay for. I bought Arturia Pigments for sampling instead which is great, but a native VCV module would be a nice option.

Would the Path Set and Omri Cohen module on the VCV Library fit the bill for the sampler you’re after?

Yeah, something like that. I’d be looking for a particular meter, and select the “Visual” keyword. Some show up and some don’t. The one I’m looking for may have “Polyphonic” and “Utility” keywords, but not “Visual”. If I could add my own keywords, or apply an “official” existing keyword to a module that should have it, it would certainly help.

Also, I’d like the option of a more rigorous interpretation of what I’m searching for. I type “chord” in the search box and I get hits for “chord”, but also “chorus”, “chow”, “chirp”, “coloredglass”, “waveguide delay” (module with a chorus feature), “colors” (a sampler), many “Count Modula” modules, “chopper”, and “warp core”.

It needs an “I know how to spell” checkbox.

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a) chopper is an underappreciated module ;-0

b) there is a whole nice thread on making a better module browser. Go check it out.