Panelage and all things visual.

To free a thread post or two, I made this common thread to refer to. It is intended to cover the aesthetics and implementation of front panel graphics and widgets.

  • Colours
  • Sizing
  • Psycho-visual theory
  • Links to free svg resources
  • Eye candy

Lights down. For night time label glowing. Adapt for font size.

// font sizing
#define LABEL 8.0f
#define SCALE_LBL (LABEL / 18.0f)

struct LabelWidget : LightWidget {//TransparentWidget {
	const char *what;
	int kind;
        // inbuilt for size of plugin, can use external with some number wang jiving
	const std::string fontPath = asset::system("res/fonts/DSEG7ClassicMini-Regular.ttf");

	LabelWidget(const char *p, const int k) {
		what = p;
		kind = k;

	void drawLayer(const DrawArgs& args, int layer) override {
		if (layer == 1 /* || layer == 0 */) {
		Widget::drawLayer(args, layer);

	void drew(const DrawArgs &args) {//foreground
		std::shared_ptr<Font> font;
		if (!(font = APP->window->loadFont(fontPath))) {
		NVGcolor textColor;
		switch(kind) {
			case -1:
				textColor = SCHEME_GREEN;
			case 0: default:
				textColor = SCHEME_YELLOW;
			case 1:
				textColor = SCHEME_RED;
		nvgFontFaceId(, font->handle);
		nvgFontSize(, LABEL);

		Vec textPos = Vec(4 * SCALE_LBL, 22 * SCALE_LBL);
		nvgFillColor(, textColor);
		nvgText(, textPos.x, textPos.y, what, NULL);

	void fixCentre(Vec here, int many) {//locate control
		box.size = Vec((14.6f * many + 4) * SCALE_LBL, 26 * SCALE_LBL);
		box.pos = Vec(here.x - box.size.x / 2, here.y - box.size.y / 2);

A lot of devs make their light panels the same grey as the VCV panels, although not all do. My style guide says that color is #e6e6e6. At least that’s what I think I used.

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