Pamela's New/PRO Workout?

Can you share a screenshot of this out of curiosity?

or Hetrick Binary Gate as per my screenshots a few posts ago

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Really? :rofl: Hardware Eurorack => I agree. But not for VCV Rack.

Perhaps in future releases/updates, because at the moment, this module port isn’t reliable (as we can read here, as feedbacks). Also, a good module is valid for any user, and any rack size. This is a complex module (like mine KlokSpid MkII module, always in development), so I’m not sure they’re adequate to a beginner.

I don’t have doubt about Pam’s PRO Workout as real Eurorack hardware, it have a good reputation (like all ALM modules), but it seems not enough mature, at the moment, for VCV Rack environment. I’m nearly sure the developer is using kind of internal emulators (per module), but all VCV Rack 2 specificities are forgotten, ignored, bypassed, or something similar, perhaps due to not enough experience concerning VCV Rack behaviors and development around it.

They’re ton of alternative, and most for free, in particular for beginners (I mean, in VCV Rack).

They’re many complaints for a $20 module, unfortunately.

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If anything is paid, there are likely to be complaints. I’m happy to see more ALM stuff on the platform.

Hopefully, whatever issues here and there will be addressed. But it’s better to have these types of modules in VCV. To expand the feature set beyond how the module functions in Eurorack isn’t the goal of any clone.

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Although I am in the minority , I don’t think people should accept flaw and bugs in free modules, either.


wow literally came in this thread to figure out why Run wasn’t working. I will try your suggestion!

It’s normal they’re complaints, no? in particular for paid module (sorry, but $20 isn’t insignificant for many people here), customers are in right to expect higher (or highest) quality, bug free, fully/deeply tested, and so on… It’s called being demanding, nothing else.

IMHO, this plugin seems to have been published too quickly (in a rush?). Why no public beta first? (having expiration date, for example). Also, the official website doesn’t say much.

I don’t disagree but anyone should be given a chance to iron out issues.

sure. must of us do it before public release. Ppl expect bugs in test versions of software. imao it’s absurd to release something that doesn’t work right. That’s not directed at Pamela’s - I know nothing about at module, other than that it puts out jagged waveforms.

And it shouldn’t. I’ve spend hours with it, here’s my exhaustive list of “problems”:

  • after reloading a patch, CV assignments on the Expander might be lost. Fixed in 4 seconds
  • violently cranking the knob all the way up might not result in the highest possible value. Gentle does it.

Anything else is conjecture. Or above clock syncing issues which are just: requirements

the official website doesn’t say much

Looks like the manual has a short bit on the extra features

I don’t have mentioned the manual, but the website.

okay :slight_smile:

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" * after reloading a patch, CV assignments on the Expander might be lost. Fixed in 4 seconds"

It seems to be preserved in PNW module presets so can be manually saved/loaded at least.

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Yeah that’s why I specified Eurorack. So nobody confuses it with VCV. If you’re building a smaller Eurorack system, you’ll definitely want Pam. Of course there’s already stuff in VCV Rack that can cover MOST of what Pam does. But I like Pam and have fond recollections of using it, so I’m happy it’s been brought over.

Just spent hours jamming with it last night, don’t see any problems.


I bought the module, and find myself struggling with the internal clock staying steady, let alone syncing it with another clock… is anyone else experiencing this? I saw a few videos on here of people using the module in their patch without any issues… not sure why it’s not working for me, but as it stands, it’s basically unusable for me.


Send an email to developer to report this issue. Not sure ALM Busy Circuits developer is reading this forum (the dev seems to work alone).

This sync issue is mentioned many times in this forum by other users.

I haven’t bought the Rack version but I have the hardware PNW.

Regarding syncing it to another clock- the hardware module outputs 5v. It took me days of pulling my hair out, with the timing jumping all over the place, before I realised it expects INPUTS at 5v or less too… including a clock pulse.

I had been feeding it a 10v 24ppqn clock signal to sync to - as soon as I attenuated it down to >5v everything was fine and it synced perfectly.

Not sure if either the Pro hardware or this software version suffer from the same issue as PNW but certainly worth trying…

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Hi Steve, I don’t have hardware Eurorack / modules. Also I don’t have Pam’s PRO as VCV Rack module (I’m developing mine, KlokSpid MkII, functional but many remaining goodies are in development - such Euclidean, envelopes, and wavetable support - it have some similarities, but also many differences - in order to be not a “clone”).

However, I’ll to be surprised in case the Pamela’s PRO Workout hardware suffers from the same issue (be sure I’ll can’t believe this). IMHO, it’s an issue due to port to VCV Rack 2, and specificities for this platform.

It’s the reason I’ve recommended to contact the developer, by email. Surely the dev will fix these issues in next release.

Inputs can be changed to 10V in the context menu.