Ouroboros Industries development thread

Hi folks, I’ve been developing my own modules that I wanted to have, I thought it’d be worth sharing it now.

This collection started with desire to have sounds when plugging cables, I had the idea bouncing around in my head for a while, until I saw Biset’s Blank module.
The custom cable rendering from that proved it should’ve been possible, and so I started on a quest to turn that idea into reality as a “meta module” of sorts, and here we are now.

Since I was already developing a module, I also thought I’d develop a cable colour manager for myself, since all of them were missing features I wanted, so that was the second module I made.
I have some more ideas bouncing around in my skull, in particular extra features for Meta Module, but this is all for now.

Here’s the link to the Github repo:

Here’s a link for the pre-built binaries:


That sounds like an exciting and creative endeavor!

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