OSC'elot an OSC mapping module

Hi Hexdump, good to know it works for you, I have included the types required for the arguments in the doc here: oscelot/Oscelot.md at master · The-Modular-Mind/oscelot · GitHub

OSC Messages must have an address ending with /fader
It must have two arguments, Id (Integer) and Value(Float between 0-1)
/fader, args: (1, 0.5573)

OSC Messages must have an address ending with /encoder
It must have two arguments, Id (Integer) and Delta Value(multiples of -1.0 or +1.0)
Encoders have default sensitivity set to 649
/encoder, args: (1, -1.0)

OSC Messages must have an address ending with /button
It must have two arguments, Id (Integer) and Value(0.0 or 1.0)
/button, args: (1, 1.0)

I didn’t put Open Stage specific instructions since people could use any OSC software.

Thought this might be useful, a midi template and Iverson preset using Open stage: vcvMidi.json (4.7 KB) iversonOSCelot.vcvm (23.8 KB)

I use loopmidi to setup two ports, in/out and point it to that.

Thank you for sharing. It works loads, but I don’t know how to stop the flickering.

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I suspect I’m not handling the midi feedback correctly in open stage, I didn’t work on it too much though, so could be an easy fix. Iverson feedback works perfectly with my controller buttons.

There’s this one too, by the author of OpenStageControl- perhaps it has some tricks.

It’s not by the author but it made me realize, it’s probably because I’m using a matrix to clone the buttons, I saw something about issues in the forum. So if you replace it with just buttons the flicker should be gone. Gimme a bit and I’ll update it.

Correction, It was heavily modified by him

I think he’s just referring to updates to open stage v1.03

Nah, Original thread is here

ah very cool

This turned out to be tedious but looks much better, I removed the top and side rows and corrected the first row of buttons. Then I copy pasted the first 16 buttons, with the (id+1) option.

So now the second row buttons have to have their midi notes corrected. it should start from 15-31. Then copy paste for the 3rd row…, so if you want to do that for the remainder :), else I’ll finish it up later.

virtual-launchpad.json (45.1 KB)

And also edit the values returned by Iverson:

Ok here you go all nice and pretty: iverson128.json (172.4 KB) iversonOSCelot.vcvm (23.8 KB)

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Removed title to get more space for keys. (css in root)

Added some controls on midi channel 2

maps to page, length, euclid … etc. column nine buttons maps to “active” buttons for each track. iverson128-with-controls.json (205.6 KB) iversonOSCelot_with_controls.vcvm (25.7 KB)

No text from vcv (using midi) - must be set in “label” for button “1-9” to “16-9”

I don’t like using 16 “refnotes” for mapping the drum gates to host - but I could not find a better way with fewer modules ?

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You can use the Midi-gate module by VCV:

Would not work here - I’m getting the gates/triggers from “Iverson128” - they need to go in Host poly V/oct and Gate inputs.

That‘s right. Maybe a stupid idea but after feeding them to midi-gate wouldn‘t it be possible to reconverthem to cv and feed them to host.

There is no midi output to feed to midi-gate.

Okay, last try:

That would work :slight_smile: