NYSTHI v2.4.23

The poly version is called Poly AD:


oops, thanks Lars, I totally overlooked this one maybe there are too many Nysthi modules :wink:

why are there 2 AD modules ? (and 2 dahd)

for performance reasons…

If you know you want use a mono, use the AD

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Blasphemy! :sweat_smile:


don’t worry
starting from next release 7 less with big surprises !

Going to remove couple of modules per release


Noo, No, never do this, never ever pleeeeeeeease!!!

:wink: :sweat_smile:

already done, sorry

I guess this is the mverb debacle? Which modules will be removed? I’m guessing we will have to finish/render patches which use them.

I’m not really sure how it works but will this affect v1 patches as well?

for sure nobody is touching v1
I’ll put ZERO efforts to do mods for the v1

for the modules missing, we’ll find a solution, don’t worry !

(3 recorder will be removed because already deprecated)

(probably I’ll remove a couple of 7seas in the future and the GranTunismo and the Doppler effect nobosy is using it and cost time to me recompile everything)

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GranTunismo is the only tuner I use with my harpejji! (I have no guitar gear at all, only Rack.)


Hot tuna works like a charm :slight_smile:


I use 7seas, so as long as the poly one stays I am OK with that :wink:

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For sure, not the end of the world. Just wanted to let it be known that there is actually someone out there skipping Hot Tuna for Gran Tunismo on a daily basis. :grinning:


Gran Tunismo is of course a winning name


WOW, today I learned that there exist ortholinear piano except it is not keyboard and not guitar, but it is amazing all around, except it’s price.

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Yes, this is why I have no guitar gear to go with it. :rofl: And no eurorack. But Rack does the trick for both IMO!

I really recommend it, despite the price. It’s been a joy for me from day one, though I am still new (about six months in, minus a month or two when I was away). Eventually I will overcome the crippling perfectionism and record some HarpejjiRack videos to share. :grinning:


Awwwww. Gran Tunismo is in my template. Thanks for all the great modules, current and future, though. :slight_smile:

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I have noticed that Poly DAHD and Poly ADSR need polyphonic triggers/gates to have their VCA out polyphonic

Would be nice that using a poly input source and a single trigger gets a poly output in a paraphonic fashion. Otherwise there’s the need of using other modules to copy the single trigger.

Same with envelope chain output.

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please open an issue with you requests describing the desiderata ! :sunglasses::ok_hand: