NYSTHI v2.4.23

It made no difference when testing NYSTHI 2.0.9, I tried Rack 2.0.0 and 2.0.1

Cool, thanks.

It did not make a difference. Same behavior, same point of crash (from the log.txt)

No worries, was just checking it wasn’t sorted.

If I do a LOAD and I don’t use it, if there is a crash is all HOST fault

I have everywhere the loads BEFORE the use of the FONT in the various DRAW

anyway just for my mental sanity I removed the (useless) load in constructors

please check version

@GretchenV @scook Release v2.0.10 2nd massage to fonts · nysthi/nysthi · GitHub


Looks like that solved it, can load the cakewalk project now with the mix8 and it just works :slight_smile:

[0.242 info src/engine/Module.cpp:173 fromJson] Patch created with NYSTHI v2.0.6, currently using v2.0.10.
[0.250 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/renev/OneDrive/Documenten/Rack2/plugins/NYSTHI/res/mix8.svg

and the font is loaded much later after the window is created and the opengl renderer.

[1.608 info src/window/Window.cpp:43 loadFile] Loaded font C:/Users/renev/OneDrive/Documenten/Rack2/plugins/NYSTHI/res/fonts/LEDCalculator.ttf

Thanks a milltion! What would I do without NYSTHI modules.


grazie mille for your support! <3


Yay!!! NYSTHI for the win!

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Sorry, I was tuned into the release party.

Yes, Simpliciter is fixed.



@scook Good News!

Fixed it here as well! doesnt crash on boot anymore! Many thanks!

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Woohoo, looks all solid now! Thanks @synthi !! And the Scala Quant behaves itself perfectly again as well, if I had not confirmed that before…

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I’ve made a dark theme if anyone is interested - GitHub - spectromas/NYSTHI-DARK-V2: Dark theme for NYSTHI's VCV Rack modules (hope this is allowed?) although I have to say the default looks really good already. Some of the buttons are a bit hard to see.


100% allowed ! if you have the full SET give it to me, and I’ll distribute under your name


They are all done apart from Programmer and the small VU ones, those seems to cause crashes when edited.

Please allow me to say they look very nice.

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Let’s investigate on the crash

do I need a VST ?

or it crashing in the normal app too ?

pass me the graphics you want to adopt via github (open an issue)

The crash was in the normal app, I didn’t test the vst yet. I’ve just tried it again and it is not crashing now…weird. It was happening when opening the module browser. I’ll keep an eye out for it and report it if it happens again.

Yessssss Nysthi dark!!! Thanks guys :smiley:

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dark is in! In the neverland release! spectromas_dark_01 courtesy of @TroubledMind