Having received some reports about the MAC intel version not loading on systems older than
OS 14.0.0
I’m quite sure I’m targeting OS since 10.9 but probably something is wrong in the NEW XCODE 15.4 And I cannot go back because I’m on M3 MBP pro, OSX 14.1.1
from some of the logs of the loading pluging seems that symbol missing is this one:
So I’ve decided to create a new Development machine on my old imac i5 with XCode 15.2 and OSX 13.6.6.
The result is this MAC INTEL NYSTHI versione 2.4.23 .
I have already 3 positive reports
so if you have any problem using NYSTHI 2.4.23 on your mac INTEL, please update to this one
When I’ll have 10 positive call I’ll pass to the VCV team, for an update