did you try other cables to connect it to your pc?
maybe it is broken
I had a similar problem once with a midi keyboard (AKAI MPK 49). It did send permanently random velocity values and was unusable this way. I never found out what the problem was. I suppose an electronic failure.
Do you still have warrenty?
I would contact the seller then.
I noticed the same thing (intermittent erratic random midi signal) happening for one fader and possibly one knob on my Novation Launch Control XL. I subconsciously avoid it now. Always assumed it was an electrical issue.
I bought my device less than 2 years ago, so I contacted Novation. For now, no response…
But I tried to isolate the faders or knobs that creat random MIDI signals (I put them on channel 10, and the rest on channel 1. I read only this channel one). In my case, that wasn’t enough… You can check that using the @stoermelder MIDI monitor.
Turn several times each fader and knob due to a layer of dirt…
The other way may be is a problem regarding the humidity inside the device after several years). Open it, and put on knobs and faders a special spray for electronic contacts (WD-40 Specialist Spray de contact).
i use six of these units in my setup.
i had that problem with two older -less used- ones.
Now they are in a side position. Little used. Some of the faders quasi not used. those unused ones have developed now quite ungood habits.
the difference is, respectivly how the problem evolves:
slight “vibration” while moving the fader.
same, but now with some sustain vs. the “vibration”
same, but now with quite worse sustain…sending out a CC message for longer
Thats in my opnion based on the faders sending out voltages on themselfes.
since the used units don´t develope that behave, or way less, would i guess some movement vs. the faders, forth-back, a 100 times, might help. Cleaning might help too. Deox-It ?..can´t tell.
And finally, to replace the LC-XL from time to time.
my oldest ones are now something like 8 years old. Thats those who fail. But only one is really bad. And there, only on the rarely used faders.
Bottom line:
So, move these faders and knobs !
massage all of them from time to time
Having done a lot of electronics, so I also prevent the various interface controls from getting dirty by moving them regularly.
I have indeed noticed the same faults and developments as you. By analyzing the midi signals, I was unable to isolate a particular faulty control. After a few minutes of operation, all the midi signals seem to have problems randomly.
Anyway, after exchanges with Novation in UK during 2 weeks, I sent it to them covered by warranty. I bought it 1 year ago.
This sounds like you have there another problem than i.
My one is definitly just age. (and underusage of some faders)
Yours sounds now more like a defect inside.
Could be that the device went funny. When you changed your phone and it didn’t do anything, have you considered putting it back to factory settings? That sometimes clears things up. Checking for a firmware update, too, may also help. If for some reason, that doesn’t fix it than maybe test it on another computer or DAW to see if its a software conflict.