NO rchestra's music

Hello Rack people in Rack land.

Here’s my first album fully generated in VCV Rack. The patches are made with older versions (0.x) and some light additional mixing, the analogue mastering by Fred Scalliet. I would like to thanks all the developers who made this possible, all benefits from this one will be donated to them. And a special thanks to Andrew Belt for this wonderful piece of software and the artwork. I hope you will enjoy the listening


Very creative stuff! I really like #3 and #9. Well done!

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thanks Lars, the #3 is build around two identical sequence with one step less and a burst generator to make the “solo”, the #9 is build around 2 rotating clock divider wich makes this changing rythm

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It sounds amazing !

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Thank you, the analogue mastering fatened the sound very well

It seems that Rack is my favourite toy.

Here’s another album made last months … yes I had some free time

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A new release

I try to find the right balance between generative and repetitives compositions

kind of never repeating loop or very strict generative rules, thanks to VCV Rack for sequencing all of this

I hope you’ll enjoy it

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5 tracks album , still using generative composition. I hope you’ll enjoy listening it

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