new module not showing up in library (solution: subscribe to full plugin, even when building locally)

i know this question has been asked before but i added a new module to my plugin called chordscalequantizer, and after building with warnings (not errors) it didn’t show up in the library. I tried all the steps i could think of to fix it and i still have been unable to (check the plugin.hpp/cpp and module file for model name, check slug, fix svg). here is the source Plurm/src at master · terrytheplatypus/Plurm · GitHub


looks ok. what does the log file say when you run VCV?

the log file doesn’t show the chordscalequantizer module anywhere, and doesn’t report any other errors.

Did you run “make install”? or just “make”?

i tried make install and make clean install, and make clean followed by make install

OK, was rack running when you did the make install?

i closed rack when doing the make install.

someone else was able to build it from my source, so theres some messed up state on my computer. i tried rebooting my pc and downgrading from the 2.1.0 preview build, no luck. i messaged support but i dunno if that was the right move.

Have you checked the contents of the rack2/plugins/Plurm folder to be certain the plugin has been installed?

Have you by any chance subscribed to individual modules in your plugin rather than to the whole plugin? This can cause issues similar to what you are seeing where new modules don’t show up in the browser due to them not being in the “include” list.


it was the subscription, thanks!!! it feels kind of silly that i have to subscribe to my plugin online to use stuff i built locally, but i dont think there’s any way to change that behavior.

having an online “store” where you get “stuff” works really well for VCV, I think. A few warts, sure, but it beats finding hundreds of different github repos individually.

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Good to hear you got it sorted. Had to be something simple!

The way the plugin/module subscription thing has been implemented seems to me to be a bit backwards. I think subscribing to the plugin then “hiding” the modules you’re not interested in would work better and would ensure new modules show up in the browser. Having said that, I’m sure I’ve done things that seem intuitive to me and not so to others.


Seems like the current “opt out” is more like what ppl said they wanted. But it does cause confusion. Maybe if the first “get this” page had both options it would be less mysterious? They it is now you really have to know how to find the magic “subscribe” button.

The problem is that the current model is “opt-in” (aka. whitelist), and the chief problem with that is that as new modules get added to a plugin you’re not automatically opted-in to them, and then people get confused and can’t understand why the new modules don’t show up. In this model you have to regularly visit the library page of each plugin and make up your mind whether there’s new modules in each plugin you now want to opt-in to. It doesn’t scale and only confuses people. The model that would scale better, and leave people less confused would be the “opt-out” model (blacklist), where people actively opt-out of modules they don’t want, and everything else, including new modules, they will automatically get. I’m pretty confident that almost everyone would find this a better model, and I personally find the current one useless (or worse) and would never use it.

Edit: I just looked at the library again, and it’s actually even more confusing because it implements both an opt-in and an opt-out model. If you start by subscribing to a plugin you can then opt-out of individual modules, but if you start with an unsubscribed plugin you can now opt-in to individual modules. It’s the last part causing the problems and it should just be scrapped. You should be able to do two things: 1) Subscribe to a plugin 2) Opt-out of individual modules in plugins you have subscribed to. That’s it.


oh, yeah, that is confusing. I’ll say again that the landing page for each plugin might tell you which of three possible states your are in.

I called it “opt in” because you only get modules that you asked for, and you don’t get any others, past or future by default. You are calling it “opt out” because you are opting out of future modules.

Although we are saying the same thing, I think your description and terminology is better.

I just ran into this issue and the solution here fixed it, thanks!

In case it’s useful to anyone in the future, the place where you can subscribe to your plugin is at<pluginslugname>. It’s slightly tricky to get there since a few of the plugin links just take you to search results rather than the canonical plugin page (where the subscribe button actually lives).

A suggestion for Rack devs: perhaps log.txt should mention when it is hiding modules since otherwise, it lended no clues: my plugin seemed to be correctly loaded (no errors) and yet one modules would not show up in the library.

The whole feature is done very badly, for reasons you point out. It is trivially easy for a user to get into the “no new modules” situation, since as you point it it is very difficult to find the subscribe page.

a log message is a good idea. a different UI what showed subscribe and add on the same page would be much better.

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I always subscribe here, best and easiest place I think: VCV Library - Plugins

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