Need help; serial to parallel converter

hello, i need some advice from the hardcore patcher here :slight_smile:

my problem: i use a phasor to gate32 sequencer with 16 steps from @trickyflemming with different gate on/off combinations. these gates should go in a 16 channel parallel input (i think of polyphonic channels) to feed a polyphonic sample&hold. usually i use bernoulli switch from @DaveVenom and holder from @sickozell .

i need it, because i want to live chance the gate combinations. and only after i am satiesfied with the combinations i want to use it and whole at once. perhaps with affix from stoermelder. but this is not important in the moment. does anyone has an idea to transpose serial sequencer output into an polyphonic signal?

my thoughts goes into a trigger, which is stepping through a 16channel polysignal. this signal is feed into an poly s&h. with this only the channel with trigger high is sampled. but i have no clue to run a trigger through the channels.

any ideas welcome. Karl

yes i know this module. but it is not what i want. let me explain it: simply i want a 16 place memory, in which the 16 steps of the sequencer can be stored serial. if the 16 steps did run, then all 16 values from the memory slots should be transfered to the polyphonic s&h. or it could be a circular loop. i dont know.

I’m not sure but a sample-and-hold with a shift register sounds like what you might want.

Then you feed the outputs you want through MERGE for a polyphonic signal.

This gets you 8 channels. I believe you can chain two of the shift registers to get 16 channels to fill out the MERGE inputs.

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Maybe you need something like the docB::AG which stores 1-99 patterns of 1-16 gates:

Its output is a 1-16 channel polyphonic signal with the gates.

You can then use the docB::P16S to play back the gates:

At the input it takes the polyphonic gate signal from the AG, and the output is the “serial” gate pattern/sequence. Feed a clock at your desired speed to its Clk input.

gate-patterns.vcv (1.4 KB)

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Interestingđź‘Ť then i do not need the sequencer. the gates are stored there. will check that in the evening. thank you.

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There’s also the very nice and flexible Impromptu:GateSeq64, which will store up to 32 patterns of gate-sequences of different lenghts and also play them back. It might be easier to use.

hmmh, but my problem with serial to parallel remains. or could i edit the gates without running them through the output? i can’t see those switch.

No, both solutions are “live”. You can have a dual setup and switch between them.

yes, perhaps patch the last out to first in of the second modul. i will check that in the evening. thank you.

oh i see. thank you.

So for example like this you could play sequence 1, edit sequence 2, and then switch to it with the push of a button:

hmmh, i 'm struggeling to trigger the second module. i cannot use the normal trigger, because than both modules are parallel. any ideas?

hello again, i try to patch a bit to come closer. but it is not working as i wish. i put the testpatch as attachment. actually a set gate on step one is saved in channel 16 of the shift register. on the oscilloskop it looks ok for me. perhaps i have to change to new lenses :slight_smile: there might be a problem with the s&h and trigger or vice verca. perhaps i have to change modules. but i can not find shiftregisters with 16 steps and reset.

patch works this way: push the button on little utilities and the oneshot starts syncronized with the beginning of the phasor. but the result is wrong.

any ideas?

Phasor SH Shift Register.vcv (2.5 KB)