Need help finding a mute module with trigger input.

Looking for a module that will mute all audio going through it when an input is used to trigger the mute. thanks

Welcome! I think there are a few, try:

  • Bogaudio MUTE8
  • Count Modula Mute
  • Count Modula Polyphonic Mute
  • Sapphire Moots
  • Venom Mix Mute Expander

There may be more.


… or you do it the “modular way”…, that is, using what you’ve got, to build the function you need. If on one hand it’s nice to have a dedicated module for each specific need, on the other hand, understanding how things work under the hood, will give you more possibilities.

This example shows one of the many ways to mute an audio signal with a trigger. You can expand the concept with an Envelope Follower, instead of the Manual Gate, so that when a signal reaches a given threshold, mutes another one. The Bernoulli Gate, in latch mode, is used here as a flip-flop.

You can also replace the Bernoulli Gate with an ADSR triggered with sustained gates to have cross-fades between signals… Just a suggestion…

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