need: CV Source, 5V/10V switchable ? (need: replacement for Instruo Fader Module)


i need to replace my Instruo dual Fader module in ANY Patch i ever made. I use it only as a manual CV source (midi CC mapped). But in 5V and 10V settings.

I just started to replace it right now with the audible mixer (Mutable Instruments attenuverter) But i just noticed it´s only 5V.

Or is there a 2* Gain stage Module ? Or should i just use two stages of the Audible mixer to get it to 10V ? Well, i´d prefer a linear visual feedback.

And: is there anything with a Fader ? Not sure vs. the Ahornberg flying fader. Seems for audio

And: where do i search ? …Utility …right ?

it works, just take the signal from the labeled “cv output” (the upper one on the bottom three)
if you want it to be at 10V all the way up you have to change the behaviour in the context menu (right click → cv scale mode) otherwise it is 10V where it is labeled 0 (unity gain)

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There are many many modules out there that can provide user selected constant voltages in various ranges.

The VCV Free 8Vert provides up to 8 outputs, each with its own knob to select a value between -10V and 10V.

I am partial to my Venom Knob 5 module that gives you 5 outputs in a small form factor.

Each knob can be configured differently with all of the following options:

Range (Volts)

  • 0 to 1
  • 0 to 2
  • 0 to 5
  • 0 to 10
  • -1 to 1
  • -2 to 2
  • -5 to 5
  • -10 to 10 (default)


  • Off {continuous} (default)
  • Integers {octaves}
  • 1/12 Volts {semitones}

Display unit

  • Volts (default)
  • Cents


  • 1 (default)
  • any other value from 2 to 16, with all channels getting same value

In addition, there are additional features common to all Venom modules.

  • Parameters (knobs) can be locked to prevent accidental changes
  • Parameters (knobs) can be given user defined default values so you can double click and get back to your chosen default
  • Parameters (knobs) and ports can be renamed so that when you hover them, you can tell what they are for

Befaco A * B + C has a x2 gain, and can bring 5V to 10V. I use it with ALM Pam Pro, which outputs 0-5V

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Perhaps Tact1 or Tact by Impromptu? Set RATE to zero and ATTV to either 1 (10V max) or 0.5 (5V max).

Or, alternatively, feed a constant voltage into VCA (VCV)?

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Knobs is such a great lil module!! You make a lot of smarter modules.

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This looks good ! small footprint, jay.

Thanks everybody for chimming in !

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I gotta start using this. 8 vert is still my go-to for testing, but many of the features of this modules are things I would use, or already do in some more complicated way.

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