Nano Modules Arc

Nano Modules’ lovely new function generator appeared in the library yesterday.

Divkid has just dropped a video about it:


Coool! Nice lineage from DUSG, Maths, Rampage and others (my timeline for which comes first is shaky, but many related and influenced designs!). Offsets and attentuators on the outs are a nice added feature!

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281 first :slight_smile:

Incorporating the bipolar VCA is nice on the ARC. You see that too on the recent 4MS dual function generators.

That video is an encyclopaedia of patching techniques for function generators - just as applicable to Rampage with A*B+C etc.

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I’m on Windows and ARC doesn’t output anything (or is frozen to a particular value - usually huge) when a patch is reloaded yet I can play with the settings and it’ll do it’s thing in the mean time. Also the SVG needs to be stretched a little more to the right.

It’s a great module otherwise.

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pretty excited to set this as my main EG. Gotta love the built-in attenuators and the long atk and rel times!

I gotta say tho, the manual trigger buttons seems a bit unresponsive and, at least in my laptop, threw a screw-wide gap on the right side of the module’s panel.

thank you so much for making this and available for free!

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+1 (win10)

Super excited about this one… DivKid’s video was amazing.