MUTE/SOLO function

There could be a right+click mute/solo function for vcv rack, without sending it trough any mixer. Just a shortcut that automatically solo or mute that especific module.

And by “solo/mute” i mean, a way to cut all the audio or modulation that is being send from that module. Actually the ctrl+E already work as a “mute” command.

mmm SOLO straight into the speakers?

voltage in VCV Rack is not limited by default, I would avoid it

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Good point.

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Ctrl-E disables/mutes and enables/unmutes a module or a selection of modules.

IMO soloing a module doesn’t make sense, e.g. what should a VCF sound like when soloed? Better use VCA or Switch or Mixer modules to temporarily turn on and off some sections of your patch.


If you use MindMeld mixers they have mute and solo buttons. You can even send those triggers via Meld that acts as a mono to poly modulation input and patch triggers to exact channels, groups or even master chan. You can also change the behavior in right click to use gates or fade instead of mute. Really fine mixers.