Is anyone besides me interested in multiplayer mode in VCV Rack? Like videogame, one computer is the host and there are his clients. Imagine jamming with friends, maybe connect to randoms to generate random stuff? I guess that implementing possibility to change multiple parameters simultaneously by user input would also open the way to play with VCV Rack via multitouchscreen, which would be awesome in my opinion. If any of these would be a premium feature, I’ll definitely pay for it. Is there any hope to see this features in next versions? Who’d be also interested in this? And excuse me if i made mistakes.
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I‘ve been thinking about this too and I like the idea following Omri Cohen‘s live webcasts on my own Rack
I guess the current API of Rack allows doing this in a module, no need for a built-in feature. But it will be quite a piece of work…
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See About the VCV Rack category for posting feature requests.
Also duplicate of
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