Much needed Mouse functionality suggestions

Scroll wheel should Zoom to cursor position for workflow efficiency.

Scroll wheel click/button when held should scroll vertical & horizontal workflow efficiency.

These 2 changes would make for a much more user friendly interaction instead of keyboard commands… Speed is of great importance to someone familiar with actual modular hardware & newcomers alike.

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[Scroll-wheel] scrolls vertically.

[Shift] + [Scroll-wheel] scrolls horizontally.

[Ctrl] + [Scroll-wheel] zooms in and out.

Scroll and zoom work exactly the same in Voltage Modular and pretty much the same in Bitwig Grid. Softube Modular has no zoom at all.

Newcomers should take their time and patience on learning to play the instrument ‘VCV Rack’.

On the other hand, the VCV Rack is mostly open source software, so you are welcome to customize your personal Rack by changing the code.


Yes to the above. Scroll wheel button pans around, scroll wheel (+ Ctrl) zooms in at cursor position.

Uh, are you sure you’re at the right forum?

Damn! I didn’t know that, very useful. We don’t actually have a place in the manual where all the keyboard and mouse commands/gestures are documented properly, do we?

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OMG scroll button pan is amazing. Thanks for the tip!

We need an actual manual… :rofl:

You mean like this?

What I stated above is already part of the official manual.


It was added fairly recently, I think.