mscHack Clock X4 Humanize (is there another clock humanizer?)

I was just looking at clock modules and noticed that the MSCHack has an intriguing knob “Humanize.” I never tried it, and really Impromptu Clocked covers the waterfront for me when it comes to clocks. But I’m intrigued by the idea of humanize. I assume it’s like the random percentage in the Ableton Live groove templates.

Looking at the source, tt looks like someone (@baconpaul? @pgatt?) commented out the humanize code but left the knob in the UI.

Is there another clock with ‘humanity’? Impromptu Clocked does a good job with swing, but it doesn’t do humanize. And thinking about how you’d implement that with modules it might be a rat’s nest, because you want every clock interval to be slightly different.

I suppose you could use a LFO and modulate the rate with a S&H module, but that might be harder to tune than a bespoke module. You probably want a humanize clock to stay more or less in sync with a straight clock. In the tempo fluctuations cancel out over some reasonable number of steps.

Here we go


Maybe this one:

Marbles Jitter knob creates this sort of effect to varying degrees I believe.


I took a look and that code was commented out in the version we started with.

I guess I can try and turn the feature on this summer. Did you find an alternative?

Yeah the HetrickCV Phasor modules. There’s some deep stuff there.

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Ok I will leave it as is then but add it to the deep cuts part of my dev list

I can’t agree enough

I think the problem with humanize is that it was a bit naive. A small random value is added to the countdown clock, set to trigger when it reaches zero. This would definitely make the clock less steady, but it could easily drift away from a straight clock. The HetrickCV Phasor stuff seems on top of this issue.

You can also invert a clock, and randomize the pulse width. This won’t drift. But I’m sure HetrickCV way is easier.

S+H module set to + - 3v


Yeah it seems what you want is the underlying clock to have the trigger be constant but then use like a drift lfo to move the next trigger back or forth but not change the overall underlying phase

So basically wobble on the trigger but constant on the amortized center of the trigger still

the clock of ZZC work based in phasors this is for every division diferent posible with a divider module has is own swing buton with CV control; send phase of the master clock to any divider function and it is posible add humanizer

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yes, it’s super easy (one of the only simple things in Marbles LOL).
connect a clock to CLOCK input and play with the JITTER input, then take a clock output, et voilà.

but Phasor Humanizer has the advantage that stays clocked to the beat while varying the acceleration ramp instead of being straight

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I’ll take a look, interesting modules

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