Module ideas

Hijacking audio on windows isn’t an (easy) option with ASIO, unfortunately, and I’d rather have ASIO. I’m using a pretty byzantine Voicemeeter setup that does lets me hijack things, but I think people would appreciate a way to keep it all in the box.

I also assume Shadowplay audio is also probably hardcoded to a bitrate reasonable for screencasting but not for pro audio? I’m using a GPU by the other company.

you can already do this using nysthi::simpliciter, in PRE record time mode the simpliciter is always recording, and when you hit STOP you’ll get last (max 2 minutes) recorded time


SNAPSHOT PRESET a module who copy all the preset (of all the modules) of a patch and permit (by cv o trig) to recall different “scene preset”

Stoermelder 8FACE?

My apologies, I misread patch as module. If you have your whole patch contained in a single row with no gaps, 8FACE can do what you ask.

Stoermelder 8FACE is just for one module, but yes a bit the same but for all the patch… But I was thinking to use the preset function of every module and this new module would open the presets that was open when you did the snapshot…

My mistake once more, was confusing it with STRIP. I should shut up now, not having a good day :upside_down_face:

An option to have 8FACE affect a whole strip of modules would be handy though, @stoermelder?

Someone opened an issue for something like that some time ago but I’m waiting for the source of Rack v2 as both modules use unstable API of Rack v1.


Polyphonic CV/gate keyboard splitter

This module takes an (optionally polyphonic) CV/gate signal pair and splits it into two CV/gate pairs. One gate is for low notes (played with the left hand), one gate is for high notes (played with the right hand).

This is one of those ideas I’m surprised doesn’t exist yet. Perhaps it’s difficult for developers and users to understand how something like this might exist, but after seeing an example (e.g. screenshot of a simple patch), I believe it would be immediately obvious to someone who understands CV/gate signals.

RJModules Split Keyboard MIDI-CV already splits MIDI devices into two CV/gate pairs for the left and right hand, but IMO the splitting should be done to CV/gate pairs, not to MIDI messages. Some advantages of splitting CV/gate signals rather than MIDI messages are

  • Your source of CV/gate signals might not be a MIDI controller. E.g. a sequencer module in VCV Rack.
  • You might want to apply CV/gate processing (such as detuning or shifting) before splitting into two CV/gate pairs.
  • Modular synthesizers follow the UNIX philosophy: Make each program [module] do only one thing but do it well. Combining what could be two separate modules into one module is philosophically more “monolithic”.


  • Split point (V): This is the voltage that determines the point on the keyboard to split low from high outputs.


  • CV input (polyphonic): Patch VCV MIDI-CV’s CV output to this.
  • Gate input (polyphonic): Patch VCV MIDI-CV’s gate output to this.
  • Split point CV: For modulating the split point.


  • Low gate output (polyphonic): For each polyphonic channel, this output will copy the input gate if the CV for that channel is lower than the split point. In other words, output_n = \text{if}\; (CV_n < splitpoint) \;\text{then}\; gate_n \;\text{else}\; 0V.
  • High gate output (polyphonic): For each polyphonic channel, this output will copy the input gate if the CV for that channel is higher than the split point. In other words, output_n = \text{if}\; (CV_n \geq splitpoint) \;\text{then}\; gate_n \;\text{else}\; 0V.

What about a CV output? Or pitchwheel, aftertouch, velocity, etc? Turns out that you don’t need these at all. Simply patch VCV MIDI-CV’s CV outputs directly to your two oscillators. The splitter module only needs the pitch CV in order to determine where to route each gate.


just curiosity, could it be achieved (for users) using a comparator?

Perhaps, with a comparator module, a logic module with AND and AND NOT operators, and a fixed voltage generator if the comparator doesn’t have a knob to set the comparison voltage. They’d all need to be polyphonic, and you might run into the problem of 1-sample delay with the logic module. So the answer is yes, you can build you own, but it would be unnecessarily complicated.

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I’m definitely interested in making the Polyphonic CV/gate keyboard splitter. Some other dev will surely get to it faster then me, but I’ll take a shot at it.

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Oh, and while I’m here, I’ll throw one into the hat: “A native VCV Rack port/adaptation of the ZynAddSubFX synthesizer”. This is probably crazy (just by looking at the interface of ZynFusion we see why) but as one famous airforce moto says, aim high!

Although it can currently be used in Rack as a VST (ZynFusion), a new more module-like interface for ZynAddSubFx could be devised, making voice selection and CV modultations capabilities more transparent and accessible in the modular format.


Would be nice to have Helm in a module too, it’s a constant in my rack thanks to Host. Looking forward to Vital:


Polyphonic harmonic sans-oscillators

A module reproducing the controls of the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator (V/O, FM, Harmonic Scan width/center, Spectral Tilt), but without the oscillators. Instead, two poly outputs, one with 16 amp values and one with 16 v/o values. This would allow it to control any simple or complex poly osc.


I might make something similar cause I need this! But maybe it will be just a module that takes a mono v/oct signal and outputs a series of harmonics on a poly cable, and has some controls for transforming the series. Then the amplitudes (and other properties you might want) can be set separately with other modules that output constants over poly cables.

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Thinking of a scenario where you use a mono setup and long release on the voices, if the CV doesn’t get split and sent on separate outputs, you would hear for example the long-releasing low section change pitch when playing another note on the high section.

I’ve made some progress with this

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KNORBS : Plaits style CV-chords

A module that outputs CV and has 2 knobs and 1 V/O input and 1 CV poly output

Inversion knob (chooses the chord inversion)

Chord knob (chooses the chord type)

Basically, Plaits chords mode but without sound, and CV instead , I’d love to play with this !

Sounds similar to aaron static chordcv, which looks great but is buggy as hell with raised issues ignored.

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ah yes true ! i had forgottoen wbout this module :sweat_smile: . Well it seems to work well for me so far, but i might do a patch with it very soon, we will see if i get any bugs

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