I have a Word document with hundreds of VCV module ideas…here’s a few.
Transcritical Bifurcator:
- A module that uses transcritical bifurcation to animate waveforms. You would just need an input, output, Range knob with CV in, and Rate knob with CV in, so I figure you could probably stack two identical bifurcators on top of one another in one skinny module.
Variable Fractal Shaper:
- A module that applies fractals to incoming waveforms - meant to be used with multiple VFSs in sequence.
- 5 knobs, each with CV inputs: Amount, Width, Offset, Skew, and Lacunarity (determines how many instances of the waveform are skipped over in the fractalizing process)
- In/Out
Rotating Slope Comparator:
- A slope comparator with a 360-degree rotatable angle of comparison
- Angle (0-360) knob with CV in
- Signal In and External Angle inputs
- 5 outputs: Match Trig, Match Gate, Above Gate, Below Gate, Difference Envelope (built-in envelope follower that follows the difference between the angle of the input signal and the internal or external angle)
Advanced Syncing Suite:
- A module that collects all the various types of waveform sync (most of which almost never get used) under one roof.
- 2 halves: Active (top) and Passive (bottom).
- Active half: 2 inputs (X and Y), Adjustment knob with CV in, selector between Variable Sync (Adj knob = soft->hard), Fixed Threshold Sync (Adj knob = Threshold), Relative Threshold Sync (Adj kob = Threshold), and Reset Inhibit Sync (Adj knob = Threshold); selector also has a CV in for automated cycling, with Slew knob (+CV in) for continuous morphing between types; Cycle Direction toggle (up/down/random), out
- Passive half: 2 inputs (X and Y; normalled to Active inputs when left open), selector (with trig in + Slew + Cycle Direction) between Hard Sync, Reversing Sync, Overlap Sync, Phase Advance Sync, and Low Threshold Sync
Uncommon Binary Function Generator:
- 4 sections, each with 2 inputs (X and Y) and 1 output: Amplitude Modulation (knob goes to 200%), Convolution, Cross-Correlation, and Average
Morphing Triangle Oscillator.
- Triangle core with 3 waveshaping knobs: Skew, Step, and Diet (all with CV in)
- Skew moves the peak left or right, creating a saw when all the way left and a reverse saw when all the way right
- Step puts an S&H on the wave, going from a smooth slide to a staircase to a 50/50 pulse
- Diet changes the curve of both slopes from linear (as in a normal triangle) to exponential all the way left and reverse exponential all the way right)
- Octave and Fine tuning knobs + FM Amount knob in a row below the 3 morph knobs
- All 6 knobs have CV inputs (and possibly CV attenuverters)
- 1v/oct and Sync inputs
- Output
Quadrature Trapezoid Oscillator (like the Doepfer A-110-6):
- 4 knobs (Exponential Tune, Exponential FM, Linear Frequency Control, Linear FM)
- 1 VCO/LFO selector
- 4 inputs (2x 1v/oct, LFM in, XFM in)
- 8 outputs (trapezoid sine, trapezoid cosine, triangle sine, triangle cosine, rectangle sine, rectangle cosine, saw sine, saw cosine)
Variable Filter Bank:
- A fixed filter bank with 8 bands, but each band has adjustable values
- Default settings for the bands are Moog 907/A values (250, 350, 700, 1k, 1.4k, 2k, 2.8k)
- 8 Band Level knobs (typical filter bank panel)
- 8 Band Value knobs
- LP and HP knobs
- “Snap” button snaps each band to the nearest 100 Hz
- All 16 band knobs have associated CV inputs
Voltage-Controlled Synthacon Filter:
- 3 inputs (LP, HP, BP), each with attenuation knob for incoming level
- Frequency and Resonance knobs
- Volume Compensation on/off switch
- Diode/Vactrol type selector (possibly)
- CV inputs for Freq, Res, and all 3 Level knobs
Seven-Stage Tracking Envelope:
- EG with 7 stages: DAHDSHR (each with its own slider)
- Rate knob that adjusts the total time scale of the envelope
- 3 contour knobs (exponential->linear->reverse exponential) for attack, decay, and release
- Each stage has an associated CV input and attenuverter
- Vactrol Response knob (if possible)
- Sustain/Hold selector (when in Hold mode the Sustain slider controls time, not level (matching the other 2 Hold stages))
- Mode selector (one-shot, two-shot, loop, ping-pong, random pong)
- Retrig button and input
- CV inputs for Rate, all 3 contour knobs, Response knob
- Gate input
- 10 outputs: 7 End of Stage outputs, Out, Inverse Out, Burst Out (triggers on every stage)
Three Stage Envelope Matrix:
- 3x3 matrix of ASR/AHR envelopes
- knobs for each of the 9 envelope stages (labelled 1-9) in 3x3 grid
- Global Contour knobs for attack and release
- Global Sustain/Hold selector
- CV inputs for all 9 stages
- 16 outputs for every possible combination of straight lines in the matrix, plus a Fugitive Envelope output that picks each stage at random
Voltage Controlled Pinball Machine (could also do the same thing with Pong, Breakout, or Tetris):
- A playable pinball machine that generates voltages during play
- Trigger inputs (and manual buttons) for the left and right bumpers (use with computer keyboard MIDI for manual control)
- When the ball crashes out it is relaunched either by a manual button or an incoming trigger from the associated input
- Left Bumper Trig Out
- Right Bumper Trig Out
- Bumper Gate Out (activates whenever either bumper is used; On/Off/Switch selector)
- Circle Radius knob/slider (adjusts the size of the circle in the middle of the board; has associated CV input)
- Circle Out (gate is high whenever the ball is over the circle)
- Ball Envelope Out (envelope follower that tracks the ball and outputs its path on a 2D plane)
- Ball Loss Out (activates whenever the ball crashes out; Trig/Gate selector)
- Individual board object trig outputs (activate whenever the ball hits that object on the board)
- Global Trig and Gate Outs (activates whenever the ball hits anything on the board)