If I understand this right, my DHE-Modules Func 6 module might be able to help… up to a point. If you send an input signal to its first channel, then configure each channel to multiply by 2, you get a 64x (i.e. 2^6) signal from the last channel.
That said, if all you want is a signal boost, I can envision a module that would do that with a lot less width than Func 6. An input port, an output port, a knob, and maybe a switch to select the scale of the knob (10, 100, 1000, whatever scales would be useful).
I have a Word document with hundreds of VCV module ideas…here’s a few.
Transcritical Bifurcator:
A module that uses transcritical bifurcation to animate waveforms. You would just need an input, output, Range knob with CV in, and Rate knob with CV in, so I figure you could probably stack two identical bifurcators on top of one another in one skinny module.
Variable Fractal Shaper:
A module that applies fractals to incoming waveforms - meant to be used with multiple VFSs in sequence.
5 knobs, each with CV inputs: Amount, Width, Offset, Skew, and Lacunarity (determines how many instances of the waveform are skipped over in the fractalizing process)
Rotating Slope Comparator:
A slope comparator with a 360-degree rotatable angle of comparison
Angle (0-360) knob with CV in
Signal In and External Angle inputs
5 outputs: Match Trig, Match Gate, Above Gate, Below Gate, Difference Envelope (built-in envelope follower that follows the difference between the angle of the input signal and the internal or external angle)
Advanced Syncing Suite:
A module that collects all the various types of waveform sync (most of which almost never get used) under one roof.
2 halves: Active (top) and Passive (bottom).
Active half: 2 inputs (X and Y), Adjustment knob with CV in, selector between Variable Sync (Adj knob = soft->hard), Fixed Threshold Sync (Adj knob = Threshold), Relative Threshold Sync (Adj kob = Threshold), and Reset Inhibit Sync (Adj knob = Threshold); selector also has a CV in for automated cycling, with Slew knob (+CV in) for continuous morphing between types; Cycle Direction toggle (up/down/random), out
Passive half: 2 inputs (X and Y; normalled to Active inputs when left open), selector (with trig in + Slew + Cycle Direction) between Hard Sync, Reversing Sync, Overlap Sync, Phase Advance Sync, and Low Threshold Sync
Uncommon Binary Function Generator:
4 sections, each with 2 inputs (X and Y) and 1 output: Amplitude Modulation (knob goes to 200%), Convolution, Cross-Correlation, and Average
Morphing Triangle Oscillator.
Triangle core with 3 waveshaping knobs: Skew, Step, and Diet (all with CV in)
Skew moves the peak left or right, creating a saw when all the way left and a reverse saw when all the way right
Step puts an S&H on the wave, going from a smooth slide to a staircase to a 50/50 pulse
Diet changes the curve of both slopes from linear (as in a normal triangle) to exponential all the way left and reverse exponential all the way right)
Octave and Fine tuning knobs + FM Amount knob in a row below the 3 morph knobs
All 6 knobs have CV inputs (and possibly CV attenuverters)
1v/oct and Sync inputs
Quadrature Trapezoid Oscillator (like the Doepfer A-110-6):
4 knobs (Exponential Tune, Exponential FM, Linear Frequency Control, Linear FM)
MQTT-Client(s): depending on messages the client receives from the off-rack world it can trigger events, emit voltages etc. Turn your weather station, your home automation system etc. into a music generator.
Maze: a maze generator and a somewhat stupid maze solver. Track the solvers movements and turn it into voltages.
I’ve been thinking about this module for a while now and I’ve discovered that it almost exists in hardware (see the video), it would be a mixture between koralfx’s Presetovnik and Bidoo’s Moire, i can also mention Morph from 23 volts .
Basically, 12 to 16 knobs assignable in MIDI, equivalent number of outputs in CV and able to send MIDI learn (MIDI-cat way)). Then a system of presets and bank that can recall/sequencer all this with the possibility of morphing between the presets.
This is partly possible with the modules mentioned but it would be cool as a VCV module. The presetovnik does not allow to have the MIDI plugged in, the Moire is a little tedious to implement)
Stereo VCA Maybe I’m just not finding it. It seems hard to believe that this doesn’t exist. A single “Stereo” stage from the cf modular mixer will work, but it’s full of other stuff. Likewise, you can use a dual VCA for this (VCA-2 or bogaudio VCA), but this would be a nice convenience.
School Bus Mixer can be a stereo VCA (turn off level CV smoothing) with three outs. (Also, all the Glue the Giant mixer strips have input preamps with up to 8x gain.)
Okay …technically this is not really a module. But those of us who get lost in writing a “Print” routine in Basic could use a system that would allow us to design our own modules. This could be something similar to Audulus which allows the user to create and modify modules using the high-level “language” of a graphic design system. Admittedly this would be a massive undertaking.
But Volt Modular does it. Audulus does it REALLY well. Perhaps VCV Rack could do something similar