Modular Mixers

This works well, but is limited for my purposes.

Yep. For 16 inputs I added a second Unmeld module set to 9-16.

Although to make this work I had to change the setting on Aux Sends;

As far as I can tell, this can be expanded to allow any number of Aux, but although adding more that 16 inputs is possible, they would not have access to any Aux.

there’s also modular mixers by cf VCV Library

Oh good shout - I forgot about those :+1:

Another version to try out :grinning:

These a not polyphonic so there has to be some summing involved :slightly_frowning_face:

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I revisited this and it got simpler with switching between multiple Mixer/Aux units. This can be expanded as far as CPU allows, and it’s easy to have multiple voices going into the mixer and have each voice able to select any or all effects on the board.

For this test I have one effect module per Aux unit but you could fill the slots to have four on each, and selectable.

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If you don’t need more than 4 channels (possibly stereo), then my soon to be released Venom Mix Expanders includes Aux/Send expanders that can be chained, with no limit to the number of Aux Sends.

There are many types of Venom Mix expanders. The goal is to be able to create a compact 4 channel mixer with just the features that you need. If you want all the features that are available, then you probably would be better off with a single monolithic mixer - with MixMaster being the obvious choice. But at least for me, more often than not I don’t need all the features, and I hate consuming so much space in my patch.