Min Max limits for MIDI inputs

Hello all,

Is there any current implementation or way in VCV RAck 2.x to set Min Max limits for MIDI inputs when working with hardware controllers (linear interpolate) ? I’d like to use my VCM-600 MIDI fader controller that send CCs from 0 to 127 to control faders in VCV Mixers like MIND MELD mixers but limiting the Max 127 value to 0 DB in the mixer, not more.

For some performers, using the faders live needs speed and we move the faders fast just to reach the TOP of the fader (127 value) and using the mixers needs accuracy to go to 0 db with the fader at 78% more or less.


Use MIDI-CAT by Stoermelder:

After mapping a parameter, just right-click on the parameter an adjust the min/max-values (they are named low/high):