Midi > Gate map wrong?

Yeah, the whole confusion about “middle C” being C3 or C4 is annoying. BUT… “middle C” should IMHO not be a factor here, because if Bitwig (or any other program) says it’s transmitting the MIDI note C4 it should damn well be C4 with no room for confusion. But I’m reaching my limits - @Squinky I’m sure you would have more expertice here. A certain MIDI note is a certain MIDI note, right?

Ok, now I’m reading the last paragraphs you wrote. That indeed seems like a complete trainwreck, and that actually MIDI note F2 (e.g.) is only F2 if you think it is, and another manufacturer can say “no, it’s actually F3 instead”. If that’s the case… well, what a weird industry, and as I see it, it means that all the MIDI modules in Rack needs a switch/option to switch between middle-c being C3, C4 or C5, otherwise it can never be properly interoperable with the outside world, or rather: Causes massive confusion and support cases.

@Richie any thoughts on this? Would you agree that actually the MIDI modules need a switch like this otherwise confusion+support continues? Because it seems that the most popular DAW’s with Rack users, Ableton and Bitwig, have middle-C=C3 whereas Rack has middle-C=C4, so things will never line up for them.

Good find Jens Peter!

My god what a trainwreck of an industry :slight_smile:

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