MIDI-CAT and 'Re-send MIDI feedback'

Hm, I think this is caused by MIDI CCs having a range from 0 to 127 and thus no center value. I’m curious how other software handles this…

I have another question which I hope is a silly one with an easy answer. Once again, I am mapping knobs on the MIDI Fighter Twister. The knobs on this device can also be pressed for a click, like buttons. So I have the click action of one of the knobs mapped to a switch on a module. The switch happens to be a three-state switch. I’ve tried the various button configurations in the MIDI Twister Fighter app, but I can get MIDI-MAP and the Twister to recognize only two of the button’s states: high and low. IT skips over the middle value. Any ideas?

I have an open feature request for buttons/switches with more than two states, waiting to be implemented for a long time. When I get a good idea about the user interface I’ll add it to MIDI-CAT, someday… :wink:

Thanks for the update, Ben.

Yes, now that I understand those adjustment sliders in the menu, I don’t know how I would handle X number of extra buttons states either, menu-wise …

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Hi @tomfug, at the moment I am creating a BCR patch to easily control VCV, with the use of 16 presets with all unique midi cc, that I would like to share with the community. At the moment I got most up and working. The only thing that doesn’t work still is that the MIDI-CAT module doesn’t make the light controllers of the BCR ‘aware’ of presets other than preset number 1. I would love to implement the workaround you described in this BCR patch. Would you mind sharing how you map a ‘Re-send Midi Feedback’ information?

I also would like to say that the MIDI-CAT module is amazing <3

Edit: just noted that “re-send midi feedback” isn’t implemented yet, and your post was meant as hypothesis :slight_smile: So I will keep following this post ^^


I have no open feature request on this one. Feel free to create a new issue on Github.

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Just got support from Ben on this matter. For those who have this problem in the future: I uploaded this patch to the BCR, so it has 16 presets with all unique midi knobs. I add 16 MIDI-Cat instances to VCV every one with an unique Midi Channel selected. Then right click the module, and toggle on ‘Periodically’ for ‘Re-send Midi Feedback’. Save te patch, and next time you open up the patch, all the Led’s of evey midi channel and midi preset, jump to their right positions.


I’ve arrived at this thread in 2022 - is the library that contains MIDI-CAT not available for VCV Rack 2? I have a MIDI Fighter Twister and -CAT seems to be the ticket to get feedback, but it’s no longer in the VCV library.

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It’s not in the library yet (should be soon)

In the meantime you can download it from the Assets section on Stoermelder’s Github page: