Member Introductions šŸ˜ƒ

I totally relate to what you said: ā€œEvery thing I do inside VCV means a lot to me, in terms of creativity and is almost healing.ā€ The modular system is open-ended, and the time within it has multiple dimensions. This frees up a lot of confusion and brings healing.

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Just found VCV Rack, thanks to a great YouTube video! Looking forward to learning this, as I always wanted to play with a Eurorack system.


Omri Cohen ? or somebody else ?

No one else, so Omri cohen ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hello, Iā€™m David (I often go by D. K. or David K. in online communities), a musician (multi-instrumentalist), composer and synth enthusiast from the Czech Republic. I work on lots of music projects of very different kinds. When it comes to electronic instruments, I like vintage ones a lot. Some time ago, I started learning making VCV Rack patches. Iā€™m not an experienced user of modular synths such as Eurorack (even though I know that the flexibility and possibilities of such things are incredible), and my patches are not the most common kinds seen in this community. Two types of patches that I make a lot are patches that emulate vintage instruments (synths, organs and others, especially analog), and patches that incorporate hardware instruments. For both kinds, I sometimes make Open Stage Control interfaces that help me control the patches more intuitively and sometimes even remotely (for example when I want to control the patch while playing another instrument).


I think you are going to fit in well here! Welcome. Do you ever upload patches to PatchStorage? Many of us have created personal threads in the Music and Patches category to post links to our work on PatchStorage, YouTube, etc. For example, here is mine.

This sounds very interesting to me. I recently helped develop a software module based on a circuit schematic. I had to learn some new math skills! I imagine the kind of emulations you make could serve as perfect prototypes for designing new VCV Rack modules.

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I havenā€™t uploaded any patch so far, but I definitely plan to do so. My emulation patches donā€™t accurately recreate vintage gear component by component (in terms of circuitry and such), as Iā€™m not experienced in that field and such patches would probably be much more complex, but they are intended to sound similar and behave at least partially like the original. Patches of this kind that Iā€™m currently working on include an Omnichord patch playable for example using the Arturia KeyStep (keys for chords and modulation touchplate for strumming) or OSC (a recreation of the original instrumentā€™s interface), and my own twist on something like a Yamaha GX-1, at least partially controllable using a MIDI-enabled Yamaha Electone plus a touchscreen device. And many more patches like that.


Hello, Iā€™m Dan Green, I live in Portland with my wife and kid. I make weird electronic music habitually but am more passionate about making new tools and instruments for making music. I have a company called 4ms Company and we make hardware eurorack modules. Iā€™m here because we are releasing ports of our modules for VCV Rack, and we also have a hardware device that ties into VCV Rack. Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself properly!


Very cool! Iā€™m looking at your MetaModule product and this blows my mind. It sounds like you have lots of open-source software modules built into this one hardware module?

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Yes indeed! I have been following this news for a while, and am eagerly awaiting the release of the 4ms modules for VCV later this month (Aug 27?). I suspect there are a great many like me in that regard!

I am also interested in possibly porting some Venom modules to the MetaModule. I will send you a PM.


Yes, the firmware has something like 160 modules built-in, all open source. We actually started to play with porting your Sapphire modules. If youā€™re interested we could discuss over email or PM.


Very cool! We also tried porting your modules, as well! Iā€™ll PM you


Hi Dan, great to see you here.

Iā€™m jaynothin and Iā€™ve been playing with VCV exclusively since 2017. Totally addicted now. :wink: So thatā€™s my intro. :rofl:

Iā€™ve been asked by Loopop, who is in the process of reviewing the MetaModule, if I could try and make a couple of patches so he can load them in the MM.

I donā€™t know much about the module, but Iā€™ve installed the plugins package available on github.

Iā€™d like to know, if possible, if there is a listing somewhere with all the plugins I can use (160-200?) and perhaps even their CPU load. As I donā€™t have the IRL module to test. That way I could be faster and he wont have to try and readjust everything.

Maybe Iā€™m just anticipating to much and I donā€™t need any list :slight_smile: But Iā€™m in the quick searching process right now, so before I start building patches Iā€™m gathering all the information I can :smiley:

If there is a manual also? And if Iā€™m not suppose to have any of this because Iā€™m not one of the reviewers, no problem, I totally understand.

Maybe in my research Iā€™ll answer my questions. But in any case, thank you. :slight_smile:


All that info is to come! Manual, website with list of pluginsā€¦ Iā€™m talking with Loopop, too, so we can go more in depth about specifics over email if you like.

Itā€™s going to be a little hard to create a patch blindly, but my suggestion would be to prioritize modules that are the built-ins: 4msCompany, Befaco, AudibleInstruments, HetrickCV, NonlinearCircuits, Eightfold, Valley.

Plus the open-source plugin brands so far:

Not all modules in all plugins work well on hardware. In general, if it does something that an old-school synthesizer module canā€™t do (like, have an XY touch-pad, or is impossible to use without the screen, or it does some magical thing like remote-control a neighboring module) then itā€™s not likely to be very fun on the MetaModule.

As for CPU, reverbs use a lot of CPU. Itā€™s fine to use stereo reverb on every patch if you want, but I wouldnā€™t try to add 8 reverb modules or something like that.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Appreciate the answer and Iā€™ll go with it :smiley: this is great Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll come up with something even if I go blindly on it :stuck_out_tongue:

That looks cool. It would especially be cool to use if youā€™ve had a BA-level understanding theory and are comfortable with notation. My own musical practice any more is un-notated, and often Iā€™m not thinking in chord shapes or melodic scales at all.

But OpusModus looks like something you could get really deep into.

This is exciting to see. Welcome!

Hey, I am Peter :wave:. VCV Rack is so cool!

I am currently into music theory and different tuning systems. Iā€™ve done some theoretical discoveries, and I want to make them practically audible. Building some modules for VCV Rack seemed like a very logical next step. The ones I released are the very beginning, there is more to come. Check them out in the library at VCV Library

Thank you Andrew for building such a powerful piece of tech!


Very cool, @peterjungx . I am also interested in alternative tunings.

You should consider posting a dedicated announcement thread about your plugin to the Announcements category so everyone can find out it exists and what your modules do. Plugin announcements are moderated, so you will have to wait maybe a couple of hours before VCV Rack allows the thread to be posted. This is to ensure that the announcements are legitimate, to protect VCV Rack users from malware, scams, etc.

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Excellent - we need more people experimenting with and/or developing for alternative scales and tunings.

You might want to check out my Venom Non-Octave-Repeating Scale Intervallic Quantizer. It is great for all manner of alternative scales and tuning systems