Made a shimmer effect, could use some improvements

I have created a selection to emulate the shimmer effect. It’s sort of there, but could use some improvements. Here is the selection (import with stoermelder’s Strip++). Patch the out from the mixer, or the track you want to add it to, to the first Noumental Hub and patch the out back into a track from the two Venom Mix4s to layer the shimmer. All modules used are available in the library.

FG_ShimmerEffect.vcvs (39.2 KB)


I love a good shimmer, but don’t understand how this works at all! The Bogaudio Stack module processes CV not audio, so how does this pitch shift audio?

I made a much simpler one with just 4 modules - Plateau for the reverb, Clouds to pitch shift an octave up, an EQ to stop LF/HF getting out of control, and a small Nysthi mixer to patch the feedback.

If you have Host FX, a fun thing to try is using Supermassive instead of Plateau and also adding a granular plugin like Crystallizer. I made some reverb/delay tails that lasted about 10 minutes :wink:


oh audio is just CV, just like CV is :wink: so it does work for audio, but I guess the clouds pitch shifter mode might be better… Thanks for the patch and the hints. I used the Hub for the sequential processing of the effects chains. Will experiment further with your suggestions…

Yeah I wondered about that, so I tried it with a VCO. It didn’t seem to affect the pitch at all, just the timbre slightly, like a filter. I think a good, clean pitch shifter is one of the few audio effect modules VCV is missing. Obviously there are a few, but nothing that sounds good with acoustic instruments like guitar. Clouds is OK in a shimmer loop, but kind of lo-fi on it’s own.

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You are correct. Stack didn’t, my ears deceived me. Here is one with the nozoid pitch shifter instead. Seems to be much closer, but may go for the supermassive instead of the galactic reverb to lengthen the tails.

FG_ShimmerEffectv2.vcvs (38.2 KB)

I have a basic shimmer mixer send insert setup that is very similar to yours, but with reversed order of Plateau and Clouds. I forget who I borrowed this from. But, I like your shimmer better, so I replaced my mixer AUX send insert loop with yours and it sounds very good.

I tend to use shimmer in just about every patch I do, so it makes sense to have it in my basic template that has Meander and FM-OPs and mixer as a starting point.

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@fractalgee I’m playing with your shimmer setup also.

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That’s not a bad idea. The problem I find with shimmer is resisting the temptation to use it too much! I’ve also got the Valhalla one, and the Clouds/Plateau combo compares very favourably, especially when you consider it’s free. I’ll fractalgee’s patch too, always worth experimenting. A frequency shifter instead of pitch shift is good for more metallic inharmonic sounds too!

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Shimmer resistance is futile as with reverb in general. :wink: