I’m wondering if this exists: I’m looking for a way to add an in-line label for a signal. Essentially just a 1xin, 1xout point with a hefty 10 or 12 character text label associated with it.
For context, I’m mapping the incoming e-kit signals and just want to explicitly mark them as “kick” “Ride Bell” “Floor Rim” etc. I know about Glue, but I was hoping for something more like a simple patchbay.
If you often accidentally mute something, it can be seen as a - or the “mutes” module can bypassed´, this locks the mutes. It still passes signal when bypassed.
Yes - I have used docB Interface a number of times. It is great except there is one bug.
If you attach a polyphonic cable to the input and then take it away, the output port continues to send the most recent values for channels 2 and above. The 1st channel is properly restored to 0.
I reported the bug a while ago, and it was partially fixed. When I tested the fix I forgot to test the polyphony aspect. I (or someone) needs to report this bug to the author. Based on past performance, I’m sure he will fix it fairly rapidly.