Looking for a module - creating a bouncing ball effect

I found a module recently that created an exponential burstsequence from a trigger, like the Aphex Twin bouncing ball sound/effect, but I can’t remember what who made it or even what type of module it was.

Does anyone know the one I’m thinking of?

maybe the Balistic Envelope from NonLinearInstruments?

I don’t recognise the gui but it sounds like it could be the one. I will give it a try, thanks.

“Bouncing ball” makes me think of Bidoo’s ChuTE:

ChUTE is a space/strange trigger based on the free fall and bouncing of an object. You can change the drop altitude between 1cm and 3m, the gravity in between the Moon’s one and Neptune’s one. Earth is the default. And you can adjust the C.O.R. meaning the coefficient of restitution. Outputs provide a gate based on downside movements, the relative tension regarding the altitude ALT and TOP which exposes the tops of the rebounds.


That could be it actually, certainly sounds like it does the same thing in any case.

try JW Bouncy Balls


I look here when I need to find a module I’ve used but can’t remember the name.



oh wow! I didn’t know about this - such a great + quick resource

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Burst! from Aepelzen

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