Linking together…

At the end of the month I’ll be seeing my best friend for the first time in two years. He’s a Bitwig power user, and I would like to link our computers up in some kind of Bitwig / VCV Rack mothership experience. Maybe 2 Bitwigs… maybe 2 Rack Standalones? 1 Bitwig 1 Rack? 1 VST and 2 Bitwigs? However we could have some kind of joint experience I would love to start a conversation now and begin learning how we might do that… does anyone have experience with this? Also, would love to hear ideas of what to do once linked… what have you done?

You could try to use this:

Bitwig already supports ‘Link’.

Results may vary though, for some it works straight forward, for some it doesn’t work at all.

you can connect via the network using Jack (windows ,linux, mac) works pretty well for audio, you can sync midi with rtpMIDI | Tobias Erichsen

I also use REAPER’s reastream (REAPER | ReaPlugs), which is pretty stable on LAN.

if you’re on linux, try zita-njbridge (see Unfa’s video: JACK audio over network? Easy! (zita-njbridge) - YouTube )

what to do once linked? well… make some noise???

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I know it works on linux, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on windows or mac, no packages exist?