LindberghResearch modules not updating

Anyone not on windows? I’m on Windows… Doesn’t see that the plugin version has been bumped.

i’m on windows and it’s version 1.3.

Does it want to keep updating?

no, it just works fine. I’m using 2 modules in my current patch.

No issues with the modules, it just the infinite update notification.

No problem here, on Windows, running Lindenberg 1.3

This is what i get everytime I update. Seems to be stuck in 1.2.0.

There’s no problem with the modules themselves, just want to make sure I’m able to use the latest open-source version.

Deleting the folder and downloading again does not download the latest. Manifest say’s v1.1.0 with the update notification saying v1.0.0


To avoid the “stuck in 1.2.0” problem, I’d like to simply remove this plugin from my library. But clicking the ‘- Free’ button on the library page doesn’t do anything.

I’m not sure where to post a defect report for this.

Delete the Linderbergh folder in your plugins folder usually: C:\Users\your__name\OneDrive\Documents\Rack\plugins-v1

See LindberghResearch modules not updating

Sorry for the late response, I do not read in the forum very often… Does it now work with deleting the folder and downloading the plugin again? Cheers, Patrick.

See previous posts before trying this

Please retry - it should work now… :slight_smile:

The only thing I have to go on is the version number in the manifest which is now back to v1.3.3 but I’m still getting the update notification same as before:


Deleting the folder does not fix the update notification. Unsubscribing then deleting the folder, starting Rack then closing Rack and resubscribing then reopening Rack to get the update then closing / reopening again doesn’t fix either.

There’s no changelog to view: So is there any other way to check for changes besides checking the manifest version number? The version number can’t be relied upon because Rack still wants to update. Was there modules added or obvious changes made that could definitively say that this is version 1.3.3 and not a previous version? Plugin is not in the top most modules in the browser either

Just remembering your #announcements about v1.3.3 I definitely do not have this version but the manifest says otherwise so it is still on a previous version here’s what it looks like in rack:

I have a working inslalation and Westcoast does not look like that on mine. I don’t even see an option to set it to look like that. di you have an alternate skin for it? (also the others look like they have older skins)

Default skin haven’t changed anything.

The I’d say you should follow up on what that weird Westcoast skin is because I haven’t seen it before.

The plugin isn’t updating. It’s the very first version of v1.

mine updated today, and I went looking for that Westcoast look - didn’t find it, but found a few other interesting views when I continually had it update randomly :slight_smile:

great work @heapdump

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