Life, ants and Brain. Just tossing an idea!

Happy New Year all!

With the assistance of the smart folks in the Rack community I managed to locate and fix the crashing bug and have now released 1.0.0 in the Rack Library. Just search “Aunty Langton” to install :slight_smile:

Looking forward to exploring additional features and modules in 2020!


wowow i just fell down the rabbit hole long after the fact - thanks for a TON of inspiration all –

out of curiosity, does anyone know if Aunty Langton has made it to VCV 2? i couldnt seem to find anything, but crossing my fingers and toes!

Yep, back on my radar. Thanks for the kind words. Will release the V2 version sometime around Xmas or New Years I reckon.

Then I might look into adding some extra functionality for a Super Ant :slight_smile:


so cool! ditto thx for all the inspiring work! :ant::loud_sound::raised_hands:

I’ve been away for too long. I saw what you did there and I love it!

Hi folks, a little (ant-sized) update.

I’ve finally got around to submitting an MVP of Aunty Langton’s Musical Ant for VCVRack 2. With a little luck it should be back in the library in the coming week or so.



I assume you have permission from the original author to take over their brand and submit updates? Or are you the original author? This is confusing.

He’s the original author, @Squinky, so no worries there (see upthread)

Welcome back, @Owleyeyeye , to you and your module! :slight_smile: +1 from me to the idea of a Super Ant if your schedule, energy and interest permits…

oh, nice! Is there a new repo or something? The one I know is here: GitHub - 64MM4-KN1F3/AuntyLangtons-FREE at V2, and it hasn’t been updated in a while.

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yep, looks like

This is all reminding me that I never really gave this the time it was due in the V1 days. Really looking forward to getting to know it in the new era! Congrats on and thanks for the port, @Owleyeyeye !

ah, cool, I get it. Unusual, but sure, why not?

welcome back! curious - why go away for a few years and then come back?

That’s what I was thinking when I saw this earlier. Why the new repo when one could just update the V2 branch?

I’ve used this a little bit, pretty good module; didn’t take much to get it up to date for V2, half a dozen lines IIRC.

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I can’t speak for the author but I for one like a fresh start in Git from time to time!

If I read the post correctly, I think it was more about the activation energy needed to submit to the library and chase the process

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Welcome back!!! :grinning:

Can’t wait to play with ants!!! :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant: :ant:

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I’ve submitted a PR for one last change. This allows drawing on the screen; tested all good so far.

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Awesome, thanks for that @Steve_Russell :slight_smile:


well, that’s fine. But I can’t think of a technical reason to do that.

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There is no technical reason whatsoever :slight_smile: It’s aesthetic/ritual/emotional–the satisfaction of a new pen, a blank notebook…

fair enough. To me some old branch called “v1” that I never look at is pretty close to a blank notebook :wink:

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