KautenjaDSP Development Blog

They’re all pretty close to being ready for the library! There are a few small polish things that I need to take care of and probably a round of beta testing to ensure there are no bugs that I missed. Maybe 2-3 months? Here’s a quick demo of Quad Operator, Mini Boss, Accumulation Station, and Big Squish coming together to make a stereo bass sound.


Well, they certainly sound great, like the Accumulation station panning-stereo field width. Would it be possible to see some more of that module on a delay or another fx? Thanks for your time.

Thanks! And sure thing, here is a simple demo of the send function. Starts with a basic acid line (additive pulse wave → 18dB low-pass). I have a voltage source connected to the send input and the cut-off of a filter so that I can turn one knob to sweep both up and down. In the send chain is SuperEcho doing some additional filtering and applying a short 16ms delay with some feedback.

One thing I’m noticing is that I frequently grab BigSquish configured as a limiter to put on Accumulation Station at the end of the chain; I’m thinking I’ll put an optional limiter into it for convenience.

Thank you so much, so where did the ‘Maths’ module come from? It does sound good! To be picky does it handle long delays and reverbs or would that be too much without a limiter in it?

lol it’s just my copy of the idea and panel of Make Noise Maths. Before I bought a hardware Maths I programmed it from the description in the manual to see if I liked Maths or not. But anyway, so long as you mix your levels correctly the sends will work with arbitrary effects and timings. The input signal here is just super hot from the high resonance of the filter (which is a very early prototype).

Don’t release anything that infringes on makenoise copyright. We don’t need that again!

No worries, I had no plans on it. There are plenty of good copies of Maths available in VCV already anyway. I just made this one for fun.

Can you whisper their names to me, I promise not to tell anyone! Honest :japanese_ogre:

Befaco Rampage is not a Maths clone, but it’s very similar conceptually. “Floats” is another that I am aware of that’s similar.

Supporting Ip theft isn’t cool, just sayin

Maybe they are just looking for a module with similar function to maths, and not explicitely a maths module with a maths skin. So no need to start accusations ^^ .

Now to answer you @ady34 , there is indeed Befaco Rampage that is very similar (i personally prefer it actually) , but you could also “rebuild” the functionality of Maths using smaller modules :slight_smile:

thou shalt not speak of “Floats”… which is now Spikes and no longer infringes on IP. i knew it wouldnt take long for you to hijack this thread once it was mentioned. stop trying to bully anyone who mentions it by disrupting their thread. you’ve been holding this grudge for years which speaks volumes. Floats doesnt even exist anymore.

Thanks Olival, I did not know that Rampage was in the same hemisphere as Maths, good to know. I have seen a rebuild from small modules on YouTube, I even think the patch builder put it on Patch Storage.

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How’s the module development going? Nice and steady away, anywhere near release yet? Not pushing, just interested.

Going smoothly! I’m currently looking into polyphony and investigating the different approaches for efficient polyphony. In all of these demos all 16 channels are actively running. This video just shows off some of the basic and nasty sounds and the polyphony for Analog Algorithm (the 4op FM synth from above, but renamed).

I’m also looking at ways of distorting the phase modulation signal to produce a more diverse palette of sounds. In this video I have a cubic clipper on the modulators which makes for some interesting sounds.

One visible issue from the spectrogram is some high frequency build-up that I still need to address, but overall things are coming smoothly.

I’ve also updated Accumulation Station with some anti-pop filters. Whenever a solo or mute button is pressed, a 40ms fade takes the processing lane(s) in / out of the mix.


Bloody hell :joy:, they sound beautiful together, I’m starting to cry here! :sob:

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Just my weekly check up on how you and your modules are doing? Any developments? Thanks for your time.

Thanks for the checkup @ady34! Things are going well. I took a week off from work and coding to enjoy life a little, but am back at the grind this weekend. For these modules I don’t have much of an update, but I do have two new modules that released in the library today (MiniBoss and Blocks) for my other plugin. MiniBoss is a single operator version of BossFight for arbitrary combination with any of the other great FM operator modules in the library. Blocks is an implementation of the digital oscillator code from Mutable Instruments Edges that matches the UX of the other PSG emulation modules in the Potato Chips plugin. I hope to have an update for one of the modules in this new plugin by next week. Stay tuned!

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