JW-Modules Dev Blog

Looks great! awesome additions Jeremy! thank you

It’s just a zoom/precision issue. If you zoom in all the way then zoom out slowly you will see different ones shift fractions of a pixel and not be centered.

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ok submitted to the library https://github.com/VCVRack/library/issues/467#issuecomment-718285045

Copied from Changelog:

  • New Module: 1Pattern (basically one row of Patterns module)
  • New Module: Add5 (because Caudal is bipolar (like me))
  • NoteSeqFu ‘Start’ now effects running sequence
  • Added ‘Start’ knobs and inputs to NoteSeq and NoteSeq16
  • Added ‘Length’ inputs to NoteSeq16
  • Added ‘Probability’ knobs and randomizer to GridSeq
  • Added Shift ‘Chaos’ feature to NoteSeq and NoteSeqFu: shifts each note in a random direction and distance determined by amount
  • Can now shift click randomize buttons in GridSeq to init parameters to defaults
  • Fixed position of playhead on reset in NoteSeq, NoteSeq16, and NoteSeqFu

@Omri_Cohen @stoermelder Is there documentation somewhere on making parts of your module work with lights off?

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I think you need to make things light objects if you don’t want them to dim.

Yep, anything you want to see when the lights are out needs to be a LightWidget.

@Squinky @CountModula thanks now I just need to figure out the weird issues related to that change.

I haven’t actually attempted any of this yet, so will be interested to see how it goes.

I think it’s mostly working. Still checking things.


Playing with 1pattern right now with gridseq and it’s fun (though it might be more fun as polyphonic). What’s the tree visualization thing?

Can you explain what would be “more fun as polyphonic”?

The tree visualization thing is just that.

Something I really like to do is merge clocks that are at 120 and 121 bpm and then feed that into Bogaudio ADDR or PGMR. It’s a good way of getting the Steve Reich phazing effect. If I could feed put the same polyphonic clock into 1Pattern then I could use that as my clock and get much more complex patterns.

Couldn’t you do that by adding the two clocks and then dividing them by two?

I don’t think i’d be able to send them into 2 separate voices that way.

latest jw-modules build from 588342d7 Dropbox - JW-Modules-2.0.0-mac.vcvplugin - Simplify your life



thanks so much! they work great on my mac. :slight_smile: