Just great - Autodafe free modules are back (modified: not again)

It’s just great ! The free modules from Autodafe are back !

On my Linux system this modules had an endless ‘update’ and it was impossible to select them. Now, I was just surprised to see: it was fixed.

VCV Rack library status displays ‘up-to-date’.

I can load my ‘old’ patches again.

Thanks, Autodafe, for the fix!

best regards



I take it all back … unfortunately.

After the good news, I wanted to occasionally rebuild/optimize some of my old patches with other modules.

I didn’t get a chance to do that because my Linux system died. Due to illness, I occasionally fall into a microsleep and have probably deleted, moved or whatever else from the operating system in an uncontrolled manner. In any case, the Linux started to stutter. So I decided to reinstall my system.

Now, according to my setup and configuration script, I have arrived at VCV. And did a quick test. As usual, VCV wanted to update modules again.

Somewhat frustrated, I see the ‘Autodafe’ plugin in the endless update loop again.

  • The VCV Rack software is the same as before the crash (2.6.0)
  • The VCV Rack data directory is also the same as before the crash

I know that it is relatively difficult to say anything that might help me. Probably the only thing left is, as they say in German: ‘Mut zur Lücke’. January makes everything new :sunglasses:.

But maybe someone knows what to do?
