Just found this-A tape machines triggered keyboard-Throbbing Gristle

Happy birthday, Enjoy what you enjoy doing!

Thank you! I had some family and friends on Jitsi Meet this evening.

I tried some things out and triggering a short sample is exactly what the trigger button on Nysthi’s Quad Simpler does. You don’t even need the AS Trigger modules. Is this what you were lokking for?

Thanks, that sounds good enough. Any idea how I would trigger the samples 'out of phase? Different clock speeds, divided clocks? Well here goes, let’s do this Steve Reichian/Terry Riley tape recorder thing:

Music For 6 Samples And Four Tapes in Music for 6 samples and 4 tapes (soundcloud.com)

Music for 6 samples and four tapes.vcv (49.5 KB)

The wiring is a bit messy but I think the results are encouraging! Any improvement suggestions would be welcome.

Every sample has its own trigger input. That should give you all the flexibility you need.

Thanks, the patch above has each sample been triggered but not sure if it is Reichian phased enough? Thanks for your time.

It is difficult for me to say a lot about the patch. There are quite some complex modules that I don’t have much experience with. Also the samples didn’t come with the patch. so I can’t figure out what you are working on exactly. Furthermore I doubt if it is up to me to decide if something is “Reichian phased enough”. On the other hand this might be useful. To have the phasing effect from the quadsimpler, don’t synchronize the samples. You have three samples loaded and you trigger them all at the same time. You might try to trigger all samples only once. The “1-shot” option is disabled and that is good. Phasing will occur if the samples are a tiny bit different in length of if you give each sample a slightly different speed, say from 0/998 to 1.002.

Thank you for the info on the sample speed and starting point, I keep forgetting that the samples don’t save in any patch! I will use a separate clock speed for the samples via clock division or I have seen patch with each sound source with it’s own clock that achieve the desired phasing.

I blame youtube, and discogs.com