Is there a tutorial for building for all platforms?

Hello, I build on my Mac at the moment, and would like to build for my PC too. So I expect there’s a way to build for everything, my hope is there’s a docker environment with a tutorial I can follow. If there is, can someone point me in the right direction?



:point_right: GitHub - VCVRack/rack-plugin-toolchain


The docker env is awesome and I recommend it. Just plan a nice coffee break while waiting for it to assemble the first time. And then lunch. And then maybe a quick trip to the gym :slight_smile:

If you are open source and on GitHub (or closed source on private GitHub I guess) many of us also have GitHub actions which build our plugins on pushes and/or tags. Check out the surge repo for an example or look for the posts here from qno


Well, it was going quite well, and it shows great promise, but I’m struggling to to get hold an appropriate MacOSX11.1.sdk.tar.xz

I have downloaded xcode 12.4, but it’s a xip not a dmg, the script that produces MacOSX11.1.sdk.tar.xz throws an error.

Can someone please share their MacOSX11.1.sdk.tar.xz?

Thank you kind stranger! :pray:

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