Is it possible to clone the Double Knot in VCV?

Is it possible to clone the Double Knot in VCV?

Or even modify it to play samples instead of synth notes when triggered?


Oooh - that looks like fun!

It looks like the manual has enough info to come up with something close.

I have a lot going on at the moment, but I am definitely interested in mocking one up, and maybe even creating a dedicated Venom module. I just don’t know when that will be.


Sure. The manual is quite specific and it is relatively easy to do when you read and follow it. I made one attempt a while back already, but got stuck because of the normalisations. But with the bay modules of @DaveVenom, it will be easy.

There are two versions of it, with some slight differences, especially in the clock section.

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Isn’t it based around the Benjolin? With some difference. But if you want a quick feel for it, you could do worse than trying out the Benjolin-inspired modules already in the library. Regarding samples, yes, you can do it! You can use the trigger output to play one-shots or the sequencer output to play notes or scan through a sample.

I don’t own one, but have been really inspired by Lorre-Mill designs.

Count Modula’s Gated Comparator and HetrickCV’s Rungler (though slightly more sophisticated), Patchable Devices’ Dual Integrator (as the oscillator and slew), a VCA of choice, and an exponential decay envelope should get you most of the way to the top or bottom half. The Double Knot is a pretty simple path so I imagine there’s many combos of VCV modules that would achieve a similar implementation. The whole thing is essentially an oscillator, 8-stage shift register with 4-bit DAC, an exponential decay envelope, a VCA, and a VC Slew - times two - with an attenuator and a clock.

The manual and the demonstration videos on the product page, along with Allieway’s overview video, provide a solid understanding.

While not directly related to the Benjolin, imo, the shift register section is explicitly inspired by the Rungler, a component of the Benjolin, and Will discusses that Hordijk’s concepts were a big inspiration to the Double Knot.

A lot of the emergent intrigue/fun of the Double Knot is in pretty aggressive self-patching within and between the two sections, i.e. chaining the shift registers, feedback between looping voltage sources, etc… Fun stuff.

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I have so many other things I should be doing (like getting my announcement ready for Venom 2.9). But I couldn’t help myself. I went ahead and created an emulation of the Double Knot version 2, and it is built almost exclusively with Venom modules. The only exceptions are MindMeld PatchMaster for the UI, Stoermelder CV-Map to control the UI dynamic lights, and Pachde Info for patch bay documentation.

The patch is available on patchstorage, which includes a link to Venom 2.9 binaries that are required for this patch. Version 2.9 should be hitting the library soon, but you can use the link if you want to explore this patch immediately.