Introducing Sapphire Chaops: chaos operators expander module

I’m pleased to announce my new module called Sapphire Chaops, a left-expander that adds new functionality to the chaos generators Frolic, Glee, and Lark:

  • Store/recall the state of the chaos module with 16 independent memory cells. Allows you to reset/sync the chaos state, or set up repeating output patterns.
  • Morph the output between position vectors and velocity vectors. This greatly expands the variety of chaotic signals you can create.
  • Freeze: pause/resume movement of the chaos output.

You can operate all three functions manually, with control voltages, or both.

Here’s a video that explains all this stuff in detail.

I’m eager to hear what you think! I’ll be watching here for your questions, comments, and other feedback.


Thank you, Don, this is another ingenious addition to the Sapphireverse! I look forward to experimenting with Chaops. :smiley:

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Wow. This is cool.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I discovered a bug in Chaops today. When you place Frolic/Glee/Lark to the right of Chaops, and change the MORPH control to any value other than zero, the polyphonic P output is correct, the Tricorder graph is correct, but the monophonic X, Y, Z outputs still act like MORPH is zero. This is wrong because X, Y, Z are always supposed to match the 3 channel voltages in P.

Fortunately, there is an easy workaround: if you want to use MORPH and you need independent X, Y, Z values, for now you can run the P output through a splitter.

This video demos the bug and the suggested workaround:

I will fix this in the next maintenance release. For tracking purposes, this is issue #77 in the Sapphire GitHub repo.