Instruo: Modules released

Sorry, I think I need to clarify this quote. I’m not saying that Neóni is incapable of holding a steady pitch, nor am I saying that it is incapable of pitch tracking.

I’m only referring to the resulting sound when adding Neóni to that patch of mine, which by the way does not involve any changing pitch at the V/Oct input. Only the algorithms change, and the oscillators themselves are set to fixed frequencies. Therefore the only way for pitch change to be induced is at an oscillator’s LFM or PM input.

I only mean to say that, as far as I can tell, Neóni is not suited to the way that I typically use TZ/LFM/PM oscillators. In this sense it’s very different from any other oscillator like it in VCV, and that makes it interesting in its own right.

If anyone manages to get Neóni to “fit in” alongside the other oscillators in that patch, please let me know.

Edit to add: more information found over here:

I don’t think there is a way to make it work, just because of the fact that all other VCOs are returning to it’s base frequency when there is no modulation and can accept more than one oscillator frequency on the FM-input (what makes some of those 3 into 1 algos fun). Neoni needs a single frequency to assign a base frequency, so in all those blended states where more than one “operator” is blended into the FM-input of a neoni, there is no way for the neoni to interpret what the base frequency should be.

Maybe algorythms with pure serial chaining may work…

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For the Neoni in through zero mode, the base frequency is always achieved at +/- 1.08 V at the FM input (assuming 100% FM attenuation) I’ve got a patch and video that thoroughly investigates the behavior at Investigating Neoni FM - Traditional mode is Through Zero!

Another fascinating look into Instruo, for those who like to peak behind the curtain, and find out how Jason works and thinks, and how a company of that size actually started and operates now. Oh, and… 3 more oscillators coming :heart_eyes::nerd_face: and more cool digital modules, sounds like the future is interesting :slight_smile:

is there any information about Instruo ARM64 build?

don’t all the modules in the storelibrary support all the supported architectures?

still no Instruo, Vult, NYSTHI, Valley and more in the library for native Apple Silicon

huh. It used to be required that a plugin support all architectures to be in the library. But I guess adding the arm one has been awkward for some.