Impromptu Modular Announcement and Discussion Thread

Coming in Impromptu 1.0.0: an option to turn off phrase sequencers when the song ends (currently it always loops the song). In PhraseSeq16/32, SMS16 and GateSeq64, it’s just a switch, but here’s what it looks like in Foundry; since there are 4 tracks, we can choose which track serves as the reference to stop the sequencer (thanks to Omri for this suggestion).


The BigButton option you mentioned is ready Jon. If ever you are building Rack 1.0 and want to try it, it’s ready in my v1 branch, but if not, it’ll be part of Impromptu 1.0.0 in the plugin manager when Rack 1.0 is released. Cheers!


Thanks very much, Marc. I anxiously await version 1.0. Not doing my own builds right now, I’m afraid. :grinning:

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Impromptu 2.0 is up and running, but there’s a bit more tweaking to go before I make builds. So far this is totally awesome! Thanks to Andrew and friends for this wonderful new version of Rack!



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Wow, that new GUI sheen looks awesome.


Great look! Now if BigRoundKnob would come with a darker top in dark skin would be even better. That one is a wee bit too white on the otherwise dark panel…

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Builds have been posted for Impromptu 2.0.0, compatible with Rack v2.git.042a9ce0. Any testing is appreciated!


Just a quick test of Clocked and Foundry on win 10, Rack v2.git.042a9ce0 Looks pretty solid, will report anything amiss I may find (though I doubt it, your code being usually stellar anyhow :wink: )


works here too (Win10 64bit) :+1:

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Hey Marc! So far everything has been great on my Mac using 042a9ce0. Just today I was using Phrase-Seq-32 and noticed that the knobs don’t visually snap back to zero when I double click. The value of the output seems to go back to default though, so it’s just a visual thing perhaps? The same thing happens with Foundry’s knobs. Other modules seem to be ok!

Those are infinite encoders which do not reset their position when double-clicked, but I was using temporary graphics for those up until now, which explains why it seems odd. In the new version I will publish tonight or tomorrow, this should be fixed as I will be using knobs with no position indicator. Cheers!


Hmm, it looks like it’s been a while since I’ve announced a new module :thinking:. With the @pyer and @steve collabs, I have been spoiled over the years, since they do such great announcements! Anyways, here goes.


Presenting Note-Echo, a CV+Gate based delay module. Whereas typical delay modules perfom a delay of the audio signal, this new module operates with CV+Gate notes. It is essentially a clocked parallel shift register with 4 taps.

As usual, it might be best to check out the manual, as there can be some subtleties regarding signal routing (clock vs output of sequencer, for example). It pairs wonderfully with Prob-Key, especially with a low density setting on Prob-Key. It also has a CV2 input/output, which is perfect to control the velocity or panning effect of the delays. Probabilities can also be applied to the delays.

SMS-16 (Semi-Modular Synthesizer)

I would also like to announce that the SMS-16 module is now deprecated, and will eventually be removed. This module uses old code that I have not maintained, and I since there are many more capable synth voices in Rack, and since I don’t see it being used often, I prefer to remove it and keep the focus more on my habitual style of modules. I realize that removing modules is not ideal, but at this point, with the huge amount of modules in existence in Rack, a small clean-up on my side is hopefully not unwarranted.

I hope this is not an inconvenience to anyone. The module will no longer appear in the module browser, but will be present (for now) if you load a previously saved patch that contains it. If you have this module in patches that you would like to keep, it would be best to open them soon and perform the appropriate remplacements. For example, this setup does a very good job of replacing SMS-16:

Happy patching! :zap:


Yay, thanks Marc! Looking forward to playing with Note-Echo, looks very interesting…

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Very nice module. I specially like this:


I miss this from many-many modules!

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Having great fun with this, thanks Marc.

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Awesome, my pleasure! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, probably the number one clock utility, certainly the better looking! What have DeadMhaus done to it???

First jam with Note-Echo. I like it…