Ideas for any interested developers

I love this idea! Thank you. Alain

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After a long search and different Patches to make a clean Kick & Bass sound for psy trance like sound

i had the idea that a Kick should be reverse calculated and played forward

why that

because at a given length in time i.e.1/8 the wave begins at i.e. 40hz stays a 1/16 at that frequency and rises up to the transient at the beginning.Now if i turn up the bpm there is no phaseshifting at the low frequency part. Only the Transient has phaseshift, but that doesn’t matter. So the subbass after the first 1/16 has also , if done in the same way, no phasing problems.

perhaps someone picks this idea up and develops i.e. out of geonkick such a module

I was thinking about a module that could secretly highlight some knobs/sliders/ports and so on:
you push a button on this module and everything in your rack varies towards a gray scale, and when you push it again everything goes back to the original colorful state.
while in “grey” state, another button on this module lets you engage/disengage the “highlight” feature on the component you click on. I was thinking about red/purple scale and not the original color of the component.

how do such ideas come to my mind …ehm… @dan.tilley ? :slight_smile:

Sounds like a cool idea…

Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible (at least not with my current level of knowledge).

The visual effects that I create with my modules are based on the concept of adding new widgets above certain layers of the Rack “scene”. For Purfenator this is a widget above the Rack background, but under the modules layer.

For ZAM this is a new layer on top of everything.

For what you want, you could start by adding a layer on top of the scene in the same way. But the main issue is how do you alter what has been drawn under that layer? Purfenator and ZAM just use NanoVG to draw simple shapes with various colours and alpha values.

You cannot create a grey-scale effect like this, only a tint. If you could re-imagine the feature where it just draws an overlay, then it could work.

I think the ideal might be something that allows you to draw that layer using a shader…

The issue with that is I don’t know how to do that, or how to pass Rack coordinates to the shader.

ok let’s simplify the idea:

1st button = add a layer of transparent grey on top of everything (we enter the highlight mode)
2nd button = put a marker for every mouse click (on interactive items only, of course). these markers should be on top of everything, “stoermelder style” (preferably with more sober colors, even better if both “topground” and markers’ colors can be choosen). pressing 1st button makes all markers disappear.

I guess 1st button of this module cannot be highlighted :face_with_diagonal_mouth: but who cares