I love these plugins!

All of these are so useful to test your gizmos!


HS-101 with it’s storage and triggers looks so nice when inspecting impulse responses, I am sure to spend some time with this module, I am still looking for an analyser that can do the same holding, maybe I am missing a module that already exists.

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Eq master from Mindmeld can freeze the spectrum so you can take a look at it. It’s tinier than bogaudio’s xl analyzer tho :sweat_smile:


Definitely! Storage oscilloscope for the win! Spectrum analyzer is so useful also, very glad we have these tools, indispensable when developing modules.

The other day, I was hearing a small clicking sound in an ADSR, and by looking at it with a scope and the spectrum analyser, and comparing with another ADSR, I was able to see (and confirm) the difference; I then ended up using the other one as a result of this analysis.

TL;DR supplment ears with eyes!


We also added an option to hide the EQ curves when the EQ is set to “bypass”, such that it can be better used as a spectrum analyzer. I’ve seen a few people (@jedrzejewskimk?) use a flat EQ throughout the whole performance, so I’m guessing they want to use it as a spectrum analyzer (which is cool also!).


I do this quite often, use the EQ as a spectrum analyzer. Sometimes on single channels, most of the time on the master.


Ooh, I didn’t know that scope existed, it looks great. I’ll have to investigate it.

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they’re great, but for some reason i like using this one… :innocent:


I used to use that one too. Before the dark times. Before the Empire of Nysthi::Echasketchoscope.

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That scope is great when you really need to see details in a waveform. The envelope scope is create for… envelopes, and other things. The logic analyzer is killer.

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