I decided to lay - Lucas Marchetti

Hi there, dear modular synthesis addicts. :syringe:

I finally decided to lay. Even if I’ve been making eggs for a few years already, nobody has seen them yet. :egg:

These last few months I’ve been having fun making generative patches in dark and ambient colors. :control_knobs:

All the production and mixing is done in VCV Rack, the mastering with Izotope RX 8. :radioactive:

I look forward to hearing your feedback and sharing with you. :handshake:

A little follow on bandcamp will give me a little boost if you have the heart to do so. :heart:

With these sounds I greet you in this difficult period. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you soon on the forum. :innocent:

Lucas Marchetti



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Thanks guy ! It’s heartwarming ! :innocent:


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Aha ! The calm during the storm ! Thank you for listening. I hope my music didn’t stress you too much :slight_smile:

Hello synthesis fanatics !

I just released a new noisy track. We are still on generative music. I propose you a cavernous and dark atmosphere which sometimes lights up with a blinding light! Good listening buddies and I wish you that all goes well in your life. Kisses !

Hello to all!

Decidedly the vacations are good for me, I hope that this sequence of more or less organized noises will help you to find inner peace :wink: Kisses!

Hi everyone ! :innocent:

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you for listening to so many of my weird creations, it means a lot to me! :pray:

Have you already read “Fables de La Fontaine” ? I created a music on a verse of the cat and the fox. “Deux francs patte -pelus qui, des frais du voyage , Croquant mainte volaille , escroquant maint fromage , S’indemnisaient à qui mieux mieux” . I hope you’ll enjoy it !

Keep me tuned, friends!

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Hello to all!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any weird music. Here is one I really like. Very calm, it has something random that creates a rhythm like the rain on the roof. I hope you’ll like it !

Big kisses!


Hey guys (and girls) !

It’s been a long time ! I hope everybody’s doing well and have some good times with vcv rack 2. I’ve made a haiku with a generative patch I’ve created with for the most part mutable instruments (clones) modules.

I was inspired by a poem from Alphonse de Lamartine.

"Je voyais dans ce vague où l’horizon se noie Surgir tout verdoyants de pampre et de jasmin Des continents de vie et des îles de joie Où la gloire et l’amour m’appelaient de la main.

J’enviais chaque nef qui blanchissait l’écume, Heureuse d’aspirer au rivage inconnu, Et maintenant, assis au bord du cap qui fume, J’ai traversé ces flots et j’en suis revenu."

[Les voiles - Alphonse de Lamartine]

I hope you’ll enjoy it !

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Hello everyone, it’s good to see you again. Today I propose you a descent to the abyss aboard the Nautilus.

As usual, this composition is directly recorded at the output of VCV rack with which I elaborated a generative patch.

I was inspired by Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Vernes

“Quelquefois, j’entendais résonner les sons mélancoliques de son orgue, dont il jouait avec beaucoup d’expression, mais la nuit seulement, au milieu de la plus secrète obscurité, lorsque le Nautilus s’endormait dans les déserts de l’Océan.”

[Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers - Jules Verne]

I hope you’ll enjoy listening to it. See you !

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Hello ! I hope everyone is doing well here! I wanted to share with you my very short album made entirely with VCV rack, which consists of constructions containing hundreds of different sound designs.

I hope you enjoy it, and I wish you all the best!

Album translation:

Our desire to know what is real is intimately linked to the reason why we irrevocably seek to bring meaning to our lives.


1 Simulacra & Simulation. 2 Binary Proposition, Illusory Choice. 3 The Desert of the Real. 4 What Seems to Be, Is Not What Is. 5 Real or New Conditionings? 6 Binary Transcendence.

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