How to import MIDI files into VCV Rack?

Sorry I’m late :slight_smile:

I use loopbe midi, It lets me send midi from my daw into the core midi-cv module

Our Seq++ reads midi files, and is free. Use it, please.


@Vortico you need to get out more often.

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Excuse me?

Sorry, being silly. I meant if you read my posts here you would know that my sequencer has had the ability to load midi files for quite a while.

ah, the search works good here. Searched for midi file, found this: Squinky Labs Announcements. Updates to Sequencer, and bug fixes in 1.0.6

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I think the answer of andrew was more than one year ago, at that time have no midi module,

Oh, I guess you are supposed to read things before you respond, aren’t you? Sorry about that. Yes, what Andrew said was certainly true back then. Sorry again.

btw is that sequencer capable to change midi programs? (I m not much sure how mifi programs work)

nope, it only sends (polyphonic) CV and gate. of course you can use those to make other “things” happen. There’s also a very simple companion module that turns one polyphonic CV and Gate into multiple gates so you can trigger things like drums easily from it.

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I did not know that. SO MUCH TO READ! :sweat_smile:

And it works too.

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Yes, I think the manual apologizes a few times for how long it is :wink:

I’ve been using Seq++ to load midi files, works great for single note melodies. I’ve tried importing a midi file with two or three note chords but only one note is being sent to the vco. Am I missing something ?

What about the STS/RCM Midi File Player Plus? It can load .mid files with up to 16 voices.


hello, did you check if polyphony was set on the modules ?

I did, thanks for the tip though.

Thanks for the tip. I tried it, it’s a nice piece of kit, but it’s only sending the most recent note as does Seq++. Perhaps I’m expecting too much for this version of Rack.

Are you setting the output polyphony from Seq++? Is the patch you are sending it to actually polyphonic? Seq++ definitely played chords just fine.

You aren’t expecting too much, but it’s difficult to make your first polyphonic patch. The default patch is fully polyphonic. Why don’t you start there? There are also good YouTube’s on this, and the VCV manual now has a section on polyphony.

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I would try playing the default patch with a keyboard, making sure to set the polyphony of the MIDI->CV module to something reasonable (like 4). Once that works, add Seq++ to the mix. Set the output polyphony from seq++ and type in a chord. It will play correctly.