How to create a missing fundamental?

I have been reading up on how to create big bass without introducing too much energy into the mix and came across the missing fundamental illusion. However I have been having difficulty trying to create it in VCV Rack. Trying to reproduce a 40 Hz square wave I have tried using Parametra to cut out the fundamental and boost the first 3-4 harmonics and it sounds nothing like the fundamental. Preferring the tone of a sine wave instead I have tried to mimic a 100 Hz sine by mixing together 200, 300, 400 and 500 Hz and can detect no sign of anything lower in pitch. Have I totally misunderstood this phenomenon? Is there another solution to creating this illusion?

Looking at the Wikipedia article, it does mention that not everyone experiences the “missing fundamental” effect:

The pitch of the missing fundamental, usually at the greatest common divisor of the frequencies present, is not, however, always perceived. Research conducted at Heidelberg University shows that, under narrow stimulus conditions with a small number of harmonics, the general population can be divided into those who perceive missing fundamentals, and those who primarily hear the overtones instead.

So maybe you are just one of those people who don’t hear them?

The point is that you can deduce the fundamental even when it’s not there… try “prodigal son” and switch the waveform to “no fundamental”


Thanks for pointing me to Prodigal Son, it gave an opportunity for an A/B test. It turns out I don’t perceive the missing fundamental after all (and neither does my wife). Oh well, no alternative to full fat, full energy bass then.


Is it the same phenomenon as illustrated in this video?

I definitely heard the illusion demonstrated in the first 30 seconds.

TLDR: He mixes 100 Hz, 150 Hz and 200 Hz to give the illusion of a 50 Hz tone.

Hmmm… I should try using that principle to create another “BRAAAM!” patch.

If the “missing fundamental illusion” doesn’t work, maybe try lowering the volume of the fundamental frequency down to the point where the illusion starts to work for your ears.