How is this sine shaped?

Thanks. That’s very unexpected. Sounds like a bug in the LFO to me.

Yeah, also a surprise to me. I always assume a very high quality from Bogaudio, most of his stuff is great. But this does look like a bug. weird.

Now I’m not so sure. I tried plugging the LFO into the sineosc, and there’s no stairstep in the frequency. Also, I’m not seeing this step with rasoir or hetric shaper, though they are showing some alias artifacting when the distortion is strong.

There are a lot of waceshapers that alias a lot,

Here’s a hetric example with the same bogmods that doesn’t stairstep: x.vcv (3.7 KB)

I took you patch and removed shaper. the LFO is still stair-stepping: no-shaper.vcv (3.2 KB)

Then I looked at the LFO in the patch with the Hetrick shaper. It’s true it sounds smooth, but the LFO is still stair-stepping. I suspect the way that control is implemented in the Hetrick makes is less audible? take a look: hetrik-andscope.vcv (4.9 KB)

Since I can clearly see the bug with none of my modules present, I’ve proven to myself that Shaper is not somehow causing the bogaudio to stair step.

And wow, you sure weren’t kidding about the aliasing in that wave-shaper. I’ve found the wave shapers tend do be the worst aliasers (so many of them do). That’s actually why I wrote Shaper :wink:

If you dial out the time on the scope, you’ll see the LFO is smooth. You’re just seeing steps 'cos the shallowly sloped line starts a little higher or lower each time. Here’s an illustration of the discontinuity problem with your shaper. N.b. the signal is just a constant here. The only varying thing is the offset. This seems specific to the “Smooth” mode.

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ah, interesting. ok, yes, that is a bug in the asym mode of shaper! thanks.

It does seem specific to negative signal values.

It’s pretty clear in the code what the problem is.

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Are you going to post a commit that fixes this, or is this an Easter egg hunt? I don’t know your code base at all.

Eventually, but not immediately. That asym mode is implemented very differently than the others, and it’s not obvious (yet) how I can code around this issue. It’s not just a one line bug fix.

Ok. Your previous post made it sound as though it was simple to hack around.

Sorry, that was an accident. I did just create a bug report for this, which you can see here:

Thanks. It’ll keep the bug under your nose. :wink:

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My Swave module can square off nearly any signal. Select an S shape, and turn up the curvature for more squareness. It stops just short of a square wave, but it gets close.

yes, it does. I was just playing with it today, after I saw it in Dave’s bass patch. But I think @caowasteland wants to do it to one side only, and I don’t think Swave will to that, will it? (unless you offset externally).

Yup. The wave the OP gave squared on one side first, so using an offset would be important here.